Published: 20:27, March 24, 2023 | Updated: 10:14, March 25, 2023
HKSAR govt holds sharing session on spirit of 'two sessions'
By Wang Zhan

Chief Executive John Lee Ka-chiu speaks at the sharing session on the spirit of "two sessions" at the Central Government Offices on March 24, 2023. (PHOTO / HKSAR GOVERNMENT)

HONG KONG - The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government held on Friday a sharing session on the spirit of the "two sessions" at the Central Government Offices. 

Chief Executive John Lee Ka-chiu attended as keynote speaker to enable the participants to have a deeper understanding of the essentials of the the first sessions of the 14th National People's Congress (NPC) and the 14th Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) National Committee and their important insights to Hong Kong's future development, according to an HKSAR statement.

The session was attended by over 150 participants, including Principal Officials of the HKSAR Government, Members of the Executive Council (ExCo), Permanent Secretaries and Heads of Department

The session was attended by over 150 participants, including Principal Officials of the HKSAR Government, Members of the Executive Council (ExCo), Permanent Secretaries and Heads of Department.

"At the closing meeting of the NPC, President Xi Jinping said that the long-term prosperity and stability of Hong Kong and Macao is part and parcel of the building of a strong China, and that we must fully, faithfully and resolutely uphold the principle of 'one country, two systems', 'Hong Kong people administering Hong Kong', 'Macao people administering Macao' and a high degree of autonomy; remain committed to governing Hong Kong and Macao in accordance with the law; and support the Special Administrative Regions in developing the economy, improving people's livelihood, and better integrating into national development,” the statement reads.

ALSO READ: HK young people encouraged to learn gist of two sessions

“This fully demonstrated that the nation has attached great importance and showed care and support for Hong Kong, and also implied that Hong Kong will shoulder greater responsibility and mission in the overall national development,” it added.

Speaking at the sharing session, Lee pointed out that the "two sessions" put forward specific deployment plans for the implementation of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, a substantial portion of which has provided insights to Hong Kong. 

He added that all sectors of Hong Kong society should learn more and understand the spirit of the 20th National Congress and the "two sessions".

"President Xi and the central authorities affirm and support the work of Hong Kong, care about Hong Kong's prosperity and stability, and request Hong Kong to continue to advance on the road of ‘stability to prosperity’,” Lee said.

The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government holds a sharing session on the spirit of "two sessions" at the Central Government Offices on March 24, 2023. (PHOTO / HKSAR GOVERNMENT)

“Being encouraged, we should also learn and implement the important speech of President Xi and the spirit of the 'two sessions', unite people from various sectors in Hong Kong, and contribute to the achievement of the ambition of Chinese-style modernization," he added.

READ MORE: Two sessions lay foundation for new national milestones

Lee said that Hong Kong must play its vital role as a bridge, press ahead with high-quality development, capitalize on its unique advantages of enjoying strong support of the motherland and being closely connected to the world, set itself on a path of internationalization, better ensure and promote the fact of the successful implementation of "one country, two systems", and tell the good stories of Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland.

Member of the Standing Committee of the 14th NPC Starry Lee Wai-king and Hong Kong members of the Standing Committee of the 14th CPPCC National Committee Henry Tang Ying-yen and Martin Liao Cheung-kong were invited to the sharing session to talk about the essentials and learning of the "two sessions". 

Convenor of the Non-official Members of the ExCo Regina Ip Lau Suk-yee and Chief Secretary for Administration Chan Kwok-ki also shared their views at the session.