Published: 16:02, August 14, 2022 | Updated: 16:14, August 14, 2022
CE mourns passing of ex-security secretary Ambrose Lee
By Wang Zhan

This undated file photo shows then National People's Congress deputy Ambrose Lee Siu-kwong.(EDMOND TANG / CHINA DAILY)

HONG KONG - Chief Executive John Lee Ka-chiu on Sunday expressed deep sorrow over the passing of former Secretary for Security Ambrose S K Lee. 

In a statement issued on Sunday afternoon, the chief executive extended his deepest condolences to Lee’s family. The city's former security chief passed away in his sleep. He was 73, local media reported. 

Lee was appointed as the Director of Immigration in 1998 and Commissioner of the Independent Commission Against Corruption in 2002. He was appointed as the Secretary for Security in 2003, a post he held until June 30, 2012.

Lee was appointed as the Director of Immigration in 1998 and Commissioner of the Independent Commission Against Corruption in 2002. He was appointed as the Secretary for Security in 2003, a post he held until June 30, 2012

"Mr Ambrose S K Lee was a senior officer whom I respected. I was deeply impressed by his dedication and commitment to serving the people of Hong Kong when I worked with him in various positions in the past,” the chief executive said.

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"I am deeply saddened by the passing of Mr Ambrose S K Lee. On behalf of the government of the HKSAR, I extend my deepest condolences to his family. I will sorely miss Mr Ambrose S K Lee," he added.

He noted that Lee continued to serve the public by becoming a Hong Kong Special Administrative Region deputy to the 12th National People's Congress between 2013 and 2018.

“He commanded the respect and love of government colleagues and those in the community who had worked with him,” the chief executive added.

Secretary for Security Tang Ping-keung also mourned the Lee’s passing and extended his deepest condolences to Mr Lee's family.

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“He provided dedicated services to the government and Hong Kong residents for more than 30 years, making tremendous contributions,” Tang said in a statement.

“He took charge of the work in relation to security for a long period of time and made exemplary efforts in the maintenance of law and order and in exercising effective and efficient immigration and customs control, earning the respect of people both inside and outside the government.”

ICAC Commissioner Woo Ying-ming also expressed sadness over Lee’s death.

“On behalf of all ICAC colleagues, I would like to express our deepest condolences to his family. Under the leadership of Mr Lee between 2002 and 2003, the ICAC continued to safeguard Hong Kong's probity and partnered with the Interpol to organize the Second ICAC Symposium,” Woo said in a statement.

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"ICAC colleagues will fondly remember Mr Lee as a humble gentleman and a determined leader with vision."