Published: 13:05, May 19, 2024 | Updated: 13:15, May 19, 2024
10 Ukrainian drones suppressed in Russia's Krasnodar
By Xinhua
A recruit holds his weapon as he runs during a military training at a firing range in the Krasnodar region in southern Russia, Oct 21, 2022. (PHOTO / AP)

MOSCOW - At least ten Ukrainian drones were suppressed overnight as they attempted to attack civilian targets in Russia's Krasnodar region, the regional operational center said on Sunday.

The center said on its Telegram channel that the incidents occurred in Slavyansky and Kushchevsky districts in the southern Russian region of Krasnodar, causing no casualties or structural damage.

"In Kushchevsky, the downing of a drone resulted in a localized fire, which was quickly contained without affecting residential areas," said the center.

ALSO READ: Russia says it downs over 100 Ukrainian drones

"Meanwhile, in Slavyansk, a drone fell within the territory of an oil refinery, but did not cause any injuries, destruction, or fires," it added.