Published: 20:11, December 3, 2022 | Updated: 20:26, December 4, 2022
HKSAR urged to put spirit of Party Congress into action
By William Xu in Hong Kong

Shen Chunyao (right), director of the Legislative Affairs Commission of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, and Xie Fuzhan, vice-chairman of the Committee on Economic Affairs of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, give talks on the essence of the Communist Party of China’s 20th National Congress in Hong Kong on Dec 3, 2022. (PHOTO COURTESY OF ORANGE NEWS)

Members of Hong Kong’s community should carry forward the essence of the Communist Party of China’s 20th National Congress to all levels of society, and put it into action for the advancement of the city’s development and integration into the country.

The call was made by officials of the central government and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region at two seminars on Saturday, aimed at helping Hong Kong people to grasp a better understanding of the themes and essence of the congress held in October this year.

The event was attended by hundreds of HKSAR government officials, local political and business leaders and representatives of various sectors of the community

Members of a high-level central government delegation were invited to speak at the two seminars held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. The events were attended by over 1,100 HKSAR government officials, local political and business leaders and representatives of various sectors of the community. 

Chief Executive John Lee Ka-chiu thanked the central government for sending the delegation to help Hong Kong people get a better understanding of the gist of the 20th Party Congress. He said the congress has provided guidelines for the city’s development and the steady implementation of “one country, two systems”.  

Lee urged the participants to deepen their understanding of the essence of the congress and convey its significance to people from sectors of the local community and put it into action at work.

With the central government’s support, the SAR has gone through many challenges and maintained its unique advantages, Lee said. Therefore, obtaining a comprehensive understanding of the 20th Party Congress is essential for Hong Kong to ensure the steady implementation of “one country, two systems” and better integrate into the nation’s overall development.

Hong Kong Chief Executive John Lee Ka-chiu speaks at the briefing session on the essence of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in Hong Kong on Dec 3, 2022. (PHOTO COURTESY OF ORGANGE NEWS)

Luo Huining, director of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s government in the HKSAR, said he hoped the delegation's briefing could help channel the spirit of congress to the city in a more comprehensive manner.

Yang Wanming, deputy director of the State Council’s Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office, said previous Party congress study sessions organized by the HKSAR government have helped to boost the confidence of many Hong Kong people in the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the steady implementation of “one country, two systems”, and Hong Kong’s future success.

ALSO READ: HK kicks off new round of seminars on National Congress

Luo Huining, director of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s government in the HKSAR, speaks at the briefing session on the essence of the Communist Party of China’s 20th National Congress in Hong Kong on Dec 3, 2022. (PHOTO COURTESY OF ORGANGE NEWS)

Yang said he believes the authoritative and in-depth interpretations by members of the delegation will help inject greater confidence among Hong Kong residents in advancing the city’s historic process from governance to prosperity, and making greater contributions to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Shen Chunyao, director of the Legislative Affairs Commission of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, and Xie Fuzhan, vice-chairman of the Committee on Economic Affairs of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, gave separate talks and answered questions from participants during the two seminars.

Shen, who’s a member of the delegation, said General Secretary Xi Jinping’s report to the 20th Party Congress clearly stated that “one country, two systems” is the best institutional arrangement for the HKSAR.

As Xi pointed out in his landmark speech in Hong Kong on July 1 this year, the “one country, two systems” principle should be adhered to comprehensively and accurately in the long run, Shen said. At the same time, the principle needs to be improved constantly to maintain its vitality.

READ MORE: Macao: Central govt officials brief residents on Party Congress

Shen added that Hong Kong and Macao should fully leverage their unique strengthens to achieve the goals set out in the 20th Party Congress’ report, such as by actively participating in the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and the country, and fighting anti-China forces resolutely.

The central government delegation arrived in Hong Kong on Friday after a similar two-day visit to the Macao Special Administrative Region on Thursday and Friday. 

Shortly after their arrival in Hong Kong, the delegation held a session on Friday evening to share the gist of the 20th Party Congress with more than 500 representatives of HKSAR-based central government organizations, Chinese mainland-funded enterprises, and branches of national media outlets.