Published: 09:48, September 12, 2021 | Updated: 14:21, September 12, 2021
Vietnam, China vow to strengthen unity, boost ties
By Xinhua

General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong (right) meets with visiting Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Hanoi, Vietnam, Sept 11, 2021. (JIANG SHENGXIONG/XINHUA)

HANOI - Vietnam and China pledged here Saturday to joint hands to strengthen unity and boost cooperation for further development of the bilateral relations between the two countries.

While meeting with visiting Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong said Vietnam and China have enjoyed comradely and brotherly friendship and established a comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership.

While meeting with visiting Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong said Vietnam and China have enjoyed comradely and brotherly friendship and established a comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership

Facing a complex and changing international situation, the two sides should join hands to overcome difficulties as so to realize their respective goals of socialist construction, Trong said, noting that no one can undermine the unity and cooperation between the two countries.

The two sides should push forward diversified exchanges and cooperation between the two parties, governments and localities in a flexible manner, educate younger generations to promote the traditional sincerity between the two parties and the two countries, and strive for the enduring, healthy and stable development of the bilateral ties, Trong said.

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For his part, Wang noted that the China-Vietnam relations are of particular strategic importance. The two sides should deepen mutual political trust, strengthen unity and cooperation, and consolidate their political and system security.

As long as both sides stick to their common ideals and beliefs, as well as the orientation for developing socialism, they can overcome any difficulties and solve any problems they may face, Wang said.

China and Vietnam should strengthen their overall cooperation in all fields, so as to add new dimensions to the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership between the two countries, Wang said.

Also on Saturday, Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh held talks with Wang, stressing that Vietnam takes its relations with China as a top priority in its foreign policy.

Vietnam is willing to learn from China's experience in fighting COVID-19, keep up the momentum of growth in trade and investment cooperation between the two countries, and provide more convenience for Chinese investment in Vietnam, Chinh said.

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Wang said that China is willing to work hard to provide COVID-19 vaccines for Vietnam to help it contain the pandemic and restore normalcy in its socio-economic development. The two sides should also jointly push for the international community's cooperation in fighting the pandemic, work together to resist the slanderous attacks on socialist countries by external forces, and preserve an international system with the United Nations at its core and an international order based on international law, Wang said.

Wang also said that China is ready to join hands with Vietnam to maintain the momentum of healthy, stable and comprehensive development of relations between the two countries.

At a meeting with Vietnamese Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son, Wang said under the guidance of the top leaders of the two parties and the two countries, the China-Vietnam relations have been moving forward despite profound changes in international situation and those brought by the COVID-19 pandemic.

China has given priority to the development of ties with Vietnam in its neighborhood diplomacy, Wang said, promising China's firm support for the new leadership of the CPV, as well as for the Vietnamese people in their efforts to achieve Vietnam's "two centenary goals."

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Wang hoped that both sides could expedite integration of China's Belt and Road Initiative with Vietnam's "Two Corridors and One Economic Circle" plan, while promoting cooperation in mega-projects and high technology, including 5G, for mutual benefits and win-win results.

China appreciates Vietnam's objective and just stance on COVID-19 origins tracing, and wishes to work with the Vietnamese side to oppose politicizing and labeling origins tracing, so as to jointly maintain the health and common interests of man kind, he said.

He urged both sides to uphold and practice genuine multilateralism, safeguard the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries, oppose attempts to politicize human rights issues, and maintain the just rights and interests of the developing countries.

Wang said China is willing to work together with Vietnam to focus on the Asia-Pacific and East Asia, firmly push ahead ASEAN centrality in regional cooperation, and prevent external forces from impairing ASEAN's central role.

Both sides need to carry on with their close coordination, make thoughtful preparations for the upcoming meetings on East Asia cooperation as well as a summit commemorating the 30th Anniversary of ASEAN-China Dialogue Relations, and speed up the ratification of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) free trade agreement.

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On the South China Sea issue, Wang said the two sides, guided by the consensus reached by the leaders of the two parties and the two countries, should abide by the existing agreements, solve differences through dialogue and avoid unilateral actions that might complicate or escalate the situation.

He called on the two sides to expand maritime cooperation on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.

China is willing to work with Vietnam and other ASEAN nations to push forward consultations on the Code of Conduct in the South China Sea, and to reach at an early date an agreement that is effective, with practical significance and in line with the international laws, Wang said.

For his part, Vietnamese Foreign Minister Son said that Vietnam always remembers and appreciates China's support for Vietnam's revolution and construction, and is grateful to China for its help in fighting the COVID-19 outbreak.

Vietnam always regards the relations with China as its top diplomatic priority and will continue to unequivocally support China on such issues as democracy, human rights, and China's Hong Kong, Xinjiang, Tibet and Taiwan, as well as origins tracing of the COVID-19 virus, he said.

He hoped that the two sides will maintain high-level exchanges, carry out exchanges in border areas, maintain the smooth flow of regional supply and production chains, and work for breakthroughs in pragmatic cooperation in various fields, particularly the research and development of COVID-19 vaccines.

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Vietnam highly appreciates the important role China has played in international and regional affairs, and is willing to work with China to uphold multilateralism and maintain multilateral coordination and cooperation, said Son.

Vietnam firmly supports the establishment of the ASEAN-China comprehensive strategic partnership, hopes to push for the RCEP to take effect at an early date and will continue to actively promote the Lancang-Mekong Cooperation (LMC), the Vietnamese foreign minister said.

On the issue of the South China Sea, he hoped that the two sides will strictly abide by the consensus reached by the leaders of the two countries, manage their differences with restraint, refrain from taking any action that complicates the situation, continue to promote cooperation in the Beibu Gulf and low-sensitivity fields, and promote an early conclusion of the Code of Conduct in the South China Sea.

Wang arrived here on Friday for a visit to Vietnam, the first leg of his four-nation Asia tour, which will also take him to Cambodia, Singapore and South Korea.