Published: 12:47, December 8, 2023 | Updated: 20:51, December 8, 2023
Report: BRI promotes partner countries' development
By Xinhua

Attendees arrive at the China National Convention Center in Beijing after the opening ceremony of the Belt and Road Forum, on Oct 18, 2023. (PHOTO / AP)

BEIJING - Through constructing various production and life infrastructures, the cooperative construction of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) promotes partner countries' economic and social development, according to a report issued on Thursday.

The report, titled "For a Better World -- Looking at the Past Decade of Jointly Pursuing the Belt and Road Initiative from a Human Rights Perspective," was released by the China Foundation for Human Rights Development and Xinhua's think tank New China Research.

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The report says the cooperative construction of the BRI helps meet the basic needs of residents in partner countries, and advocates for broader cooperation in various fields. It encourages companies to fulfill their social responsibilities actively, assisting local communities in improving living conditions and realizing their rights to development in areas such as education, culture, and the environment.

The report also mentioned that within the framework of BRI, China has helped raise agricultural output in many partner countries and alleviate hunger among local populations

It says infrastructure development is a key focus of Belt and Road cooperation, with many collaborative projects providing various facilities and conveniences such as transportation, communication, and housing for local populations.

Enjoying cultural achievements and participating in cultural activities are important manifestations of cultural rights, the report said. Many BRI projects are being implemented to construct public cultural infrastructure, preserve local cultural heritage, enrich cultural resources, and help people in partner countries better realize cultural rights. 

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The report also mentioned that within the framework of BRI, China has helped raise agricultural output in many partner countries and alleviate hunger among local populations.

It pointed out that hunger has long been one of the most severe problems facing the world, and agricultural cooperation is one of the critical areas of the cooperative construction of the BRI.

China has signed over 100 agricultural and fishery cooperation documents with nearly 90 partner countries and international organizations, and established regional agricultural cooperation mechanisms, such as the "10+10" cooperation mechanism for Sino-African agricultural research institutions, actively promoting regional cooperation in food security.

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As of 2021, China had sent more than 2,000 agricultural experts and technicians to more than 70 countries and regions, promoted and demonstrated more than 1,500 agricultural technologies in many countries, and helped projects increase production by 40 percent to 70 percent on average, read the report.