Published: 11:04, July 9, 2022 | Updated: 11:53, July 9, 2022
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Xi's hopes set Hong Kong in motion
By China Daily

The Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the HKSAR holds a meeting on July 2 to study President Xi Jinping’s speech delivered at the ceremony which also saw the inauguration of the sixth-term government of the HKSAR. (PHOTO PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY)

Hong Kong's various sectors sprang into action after President Xi Jinping made an important speech on July 1 at the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the city's return to the motherland. Xi is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission.

In Xi's speech, hailed as a beacon for Hong Kong's future, he explicitly said that the "one country, two systems" principle is a good system, and there is no need to change it. Going further, it will be adhered to in the long run, he vowed.

President Xi's words have created a ripple effect, setting various sectors, from the top down, in motion to translate his words into action. They have organized seminars to study the important speech. The city's lawmakers, in a motion discussed at the legislature, joined forces to bring the president's expectations into concrete policies for residents

In his speech, Xi raised "four musts" for the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, which must: 1) fully and faithfully implement the principle of "one country, two systems"; 2) uphold the central government's overall jurisdiction while securing its high degree of autonomy; 3) ensure that Hong Kong is administered by patriots; 4) maintain Hong Kong's distinctive status and advantages.

The president also brought forward "four proposals" for the city, which are: 1) Hong Kong should further improve its governance; 2) Hong Kong should continue to create strong impetus for growth; 3) Hong Kong should earnestly address people's concerns and difficulties in daily life; 4) the people of Hong Kong should work together to safeguard harmony and stability.

ALSO READ: Xi has 'set the tone' for 'one country, two systems'

Xi's words have created a ripple effect, setting various sectors, from the top down, in motion to translate his words into action. They have organized seminars to study the important speech. The city's lawmakers, in a motion discussed at the legislature, joined forces to bring the president's expectations into concrete policies for residents. The city's leader and high-ranking officials responded swiftly by rolling out an array of policies to pave the way for good governance. There is a saying that something "well begun is half done". As the Hong Kong community said, the city is taking a stride from governance to prosperity. For Hong Kong, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. The Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, in a statement after its Sunday meeting to study Xi's speech, said that Xi's speech has provided a profound exposition and comprehensive understanding of "one country, two systems", and set the direction for Hong Kong's future development, calling it a "significant milestone" for the SAR.

Xi's speech, which bridges history, the present and the future, has opened a new dimension in the principle of "one country, two systems", the office said.

The statement said that in order to realize the president's "four proposals", the office will provide full support for the HKSAR government in assuming the principal responsibility of governing the city, and widely engage patriotic forces in helping Hong Kong to achieve greater success and sharing the glory of the nation's rejuvenation together with people in the rest of the country.

The liaison office also held a meeting on July 2 that was attended by local political and business leaders, and hosted by Luo Huining, director of the liaison office.

The HKSAR government

In a social media post about the new-term administration's first meeting of principal official on Sunday, Chief Executive John Lee Ka-chiu said his governing team will strive to accomplish Xi's "four proposals".

During the meeting, Lee told secretaries and bureau heads to be independent, efficient and accountable, and work together in a programmatic and results-oriented manner to make Hong Kong a more promising, livable and open city.

Chief Executive John Lee Ka-chiu (back row, right) delivers a speech at the session held by the Civil Service Bureau to study Xi’s speech. (PHOTO PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY)

President Xi's important speech reflects in full his care, attention and support for the HKSAR, as well as the country's staunch and firm commitment to the full and faithful implementation of the principle of 'one country, two systems'. It is of high significance as an important milestone.

John Lee Ka-chiu, Chief Executive

The Civil Service Bureau held a session on Thursday themed the "Spirit of the President's Important Speech" at the government headquarters.

Delivering a keynote speech at the session, Lee said: "President Xi's important speech reflects in full his care, attention and support for the HKSAR, as well as the country's staunch and firm commitment to the full and faithful implementation of the principle of 'one country, two systems'. It is of high significance as an important milestone.

ALSO READ: Highlights of Xi speech at meeting marking HKSAR 25th anniversary

"President Xi's important speech sets the agenda for good governance and development of Hong Kong, and provides crucial guidance on governance by the HKSAR government in the coming five years.

"I hope that the top echelon and civil servants of the HKSAR government will seriously study and comprehend President Xi's important speech, grasp its core essence, respect and safeguard the country's fundamental systems on their own volition, and build it into their own work."

Over 100 participants attended the session, including secretaries of departments, deputy secretaries of departments, directors of bureaus and other principal officials, members of the Executive Council, as well as permanent secretaries and heads of departments.

A screenshot of an online session held by the Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong on Wednesday to discuss Xi’s speech. (PHOTO PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY)

Over 100 participants attended a session on Thursday themed the "Spirit of the President's Important Speech", including secretaries of departments, deputy secretaries of departments, directors of bureaus and other principal officials, members of the Executive Council, as well as permanent secretaries and heads of departments

In a letter to members of the civil service on Monday, Secretary for the Civil Service Ingrid Yeung Ho Poi-yan cited the "four proposals" laid down by Xi and the "four musts" for the new administration to encourage civil servants to strive for a better future for the community, implement "one country, two systems" to the full, and make a concerted effort to start a new chapter for Hong Kong.

Leading political parties

The Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong, the city's largest political party, on Wednesday held an online session to discuss Xi's speech. About 200 people attended the online session, including its members in the districts, the city's legislature and the government.

Brave Chan Yung, vice-chairman of DAB, said the speech shall be studied by all civil servants and Xi's commitment to the "one country, two systems" principle has been a morale booster for the international community as well.

In a separate meeting held on Tuesday, Business and Professionals Alliance for Hong Kong's Chairman Peter Lam Kin-ngok said the BPA party will strive to facilitate the city's youngsters as they pursue their dreams, and help them to embrace opportunities in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and make a contribution to the nation while developing their careers.

ALSO READ: Political heavyweights: Xi's remarks assure HK's future

Legislators make proposals on a legislative meeting to turn Xi’s hopes for a better Hong Kong into action. (PHOTO PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY)


During a legislative meeting held from Wednesday to Thursday, Hong Kong's lawmakers made their proposals on a wide range of areas that are of vital significance to the city, in an effort to turn Xi's hopes for a better Hong Kong into action.

Michael Luk Chung-hung, who represents the labor sector, called on the government to improve the district council election system to prevent non-patriots from subverting the political system. The functions of the district councils also need to be enhanced to strengthen the ties between residents and the government, Luk added.

During a legislative meeting held from Wednesday to Thursday, Hong Kong's lawmakers made their proposals on a wide range of areas that are of vital significance to the city, in an effort to turn Xi's hopes for a better Hong Kong into action

Business leader Kennedy Wong Ying-ho said he expects the government to boost cooperation in the digital economy between the HKSAR and the Chinese mainland, increasing the circulation of big data. Wong called for the creation of large-scale, integrated e-commerce platforms for business transactions, logistics, and fund settlements. This will facilitate Hong Kong's small and medium-sized enterprises and young entrepreneurs doing business on the mainland.

To facilitate cross-boundary travel, lawmaker Ben Chan Han-pan suggested using idle community isolation facilities in Hong Kong as quarantine hotels for people who want to visit the mainland. He said residents could quarantine in Hong Kong facilities for seven days before traveling to the Chinese mainland to reduce the pressure on mainland quarantine hotels and on its healthcare system.

Business sector

Various business chambers in Hong Kong said in a Thursday seminar that Xi's "four musts" and "four proposals" for the city are essential in bolstering the overall competitiveness of the HKSAR. Over 300 participants joined the seminar online and offline.

Hong Kong business leaders speak at a seminar on Thursday on how to apply Xi’s instructions to expedite the overall economic and social development of the city. (PHOTO PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY)

Various business chambers in Hong Kong said in a Thursday seminar that Xi's "four musts" and "four proposals" for the city are essential in bolstering the overall competitiveness of the HKSAR

Jonathan Choi Koon-shum, standing committee member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and chairman of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Entrepreneur Union, said, "Xi's faith in Hong Kong's competence and the central government's explicit voice of generous support reassures that Hong Kong will gain a leg up in the international business arena and live up to the country's expectations.

ALSO READ: Business heavyweights applaud Xi's support of SAR

"These strategic initiatives lend a profoundly rewarding leverage for Hong Kong to harness, to continue attracting not only overseas businesses but also young talents outside Hong Kong," said Choi.

Science and tech sector

The city's top scientists and scholars on Monday met to discuss Xi's speech at the Hong Kong Science Park in Sha Tin. The meeting was held jointly by the Greater Bay Area Association of Academicians and the Beijing-Hong Kong Academic Exchange Centre.

Neuroscientist Nancy Ip Yuk-yu, a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and incoming president of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, said Xi's affirmation of Hong Kong's contribution to national scientific development has greatly encouraged scientists based in Hong Kong.

Ip said she believes that Xi's speech put forward higher requirements for the development of Hong Kong. She suggested that Hong Kong gather global resources to develop in concert with the mainland cities in the Greater Bay Area to construct a global technological innovation center.

Hong Kong scientists and scholars study Xi’s speech at a Monday seminar on the Hong Kong Science Park to discuss how the city’s science sector can contribute more to national development. (PHOTO PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY)

Neuroscientist Nancy Ip Yuk-yu, a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and incoming president of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, said Xi's affirmation of Hong Kong's contribution to national scientific development has greatly encouraged scientists based in Hong Kong

Sunny Chai Ngai-chiu, chairman of the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corp, said: "With staunch support from President Xi Jinping, the central and HKSAR government, the HKSTP will leverage Hong Kong's unique advantages with long-term research and development, reindustrialization and advanced manufacturing, and talent strategies to support the development of a diverse economy."

ALSO READ: Tech community hails Xi's Science Park visit

Youth sector

On Tuesday, a total of 23 representatives of Hong Kong's youth sector expressed their thoughts of Xi's speech at a session held online and offline by the All-China Youth Federation and the city's liaison office. A total of 120 youngsters from various youth groups in the city attended the event.

Deputy head to the federation Xu Xiao called on the Hong Kong youngsters to comprehensively learn the "one country, two systems" principle and actively bring Xi's hopes into actions.

In an online seminar on Monday, more than 30 members of the Hong Kong United Youth Association shared their experiences, as young people, of contributing to the country and serving Hong Kong. They pledged to follow Xi's instructions to help the city's young people to access higher education, find jobs or start businesses, and also to help boost their sense of national pride.

A screenshot of the online session held by the Hong Kong United Youth Association on Monday shows young people sharing their experiences of contributing to the country and serving Hong Kong. (PHOTO PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY)

Social groups

The city's 26 social groups formed by people of the same provincial origins held a meeting offline and online to study Xi's speech.

In an online seminar on Monday, more than 30 members of the Hong Kong United Youth Association pledged to follow Xi's instructions to help the city's young people to access higher education, find jobs or start businesses, and also to help boost their sense of national pride

Tang Ching-ho, chairman of the Federation of Hong Kong Guangdong Community Organizations, said the community associations will firmly put Xi's expectations into action and continue to be a good partner and a good helper for the HKSAR government.

Rooted in the community, the organizations pledged to cooperate with the SAR government and make a better effort to solve problems relating to people's livelihoods.

READ MORE: Xi's key speech boosts hope in future of Hong Kong

Medical, healthcare sector

Representatives of Hong Kong's medical and healthcare sector met on Sunday to study Xi's speech. The meeting was attended by more than 200 people from over 30 professional groups.

Executive Council member Ko Wing-man, who's also a member of the National Committee of the CPPCC, said that in order to accurately and comprehensively understand "one country, two systems", one has to understand that it's conferred by the Constitution, and there'll be no high degree of autonomy for Hong Kong if the central government's overall jurisdiction over the city is not upheld.