Published: 10:26, July 8, 2022 | Updated: 10:37, July 8, 2022
EU urged to include abortion in Charter of Fundamental Rights
By Xinhua

European lawmakers gather to vote at the European Parliament on July 6, 2022 in Strasbourg, eastern France. (JEAN-FRANCOIS BADIAS / AP PHOTO)

BRUSSELS – Members of the European Parliament on Thursday voted in favor of a resolution to add the right to abortion to the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, condemning the recent US Supreme Court's decision.

Members of the European Parliament also asked the European Commission and EU member states to increase funding for the defense of women's rights around the world, and to make the issue a policy priority in the EU's external relations

A total of 324 members of the European Parliament voted in favor of the resolution, while 155 voted against and 38 were absent at the plenary session in Strasbourg, France.

"Women's rights are inalienable, and they cannot be removed or watered down," reads the resolution, which condemns the decision by the US Supreme Court to overturn the 1973 court ruling that gave women the right to safe and legal abortion, known as Roe v. Wade.

The vote on the resolution took place three days after MEPs debated the overturning of Roe v. Wade and its implications for women all around the world.

READ MORE: US Supreme Court strikes down abortion rights

The resolution expresses "firm solidarity with and support for women and girls in the United States, as well as to those involved in both the provision of and advocacy for the right and access to legal and safe abortion care in such challenging circumstances."

In their resolution, lawmakers argue that banning or restricting abortion disproportionately affects women in poverty, women of color, irregular migrants and other vulnerable groups. Such legal obstacles do not actually help reduce the number of terminations, the resolution argues, but instead force women "to travel long distances or to resort to unsafe abortions."

MEPs also asked the European Commission and EU member states to increase funding for the defense of women's rights around the world, and to make the issue a policy priority in the EU's external relations.

ALSO READ: Politico: US top court set to revoke landmark abortion ruling