Published: 12:23, May 26, 2024
Mainland, Taiwan experts hold dialogue in east China
By Xinhua
This undated file photo shows the Taipei 101 skyscraper in Taipei, Southeast China's Taiwan. (PHOTO / XINHUA)

XIAMEN - Experts from the Chinese mainland and Taiwan on Saturday held a dialogue on the one-China principle from the context of the Cairo Declaration in Xiamen University, in east China's Fujian province.

Chi Chia-lin, who heads the reunification alliance party in Taiwan, combed the historical context of a series of documents and announcements including the Cairo Declaration and the Potsdam Proclamation.

Chi demonstrated that the Cairo Declaration is a legal document with the effect of international law, adding that it not only has legal effect in form, but is also supported by historical legitimacy

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Quoting and interpreting the original text, he analyzed that these documents have, from a legal point of view, "clarified the illegality of Japan's occupation of Taiwan and confirmed that Taiwan is Chinese territory."

Chi demonstrated that the Cairo Declaration is a legal document with the effect of international law, adding that it not only has legal effect in form, but is also supported by historical legitimacy.

Zhang Haipeng, member of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, reviewed the history of the adoption of UN General Assembly Resolution 2758 and spoke highly of its significance.

Zhang said the resolution has made it clear that there is only one China in the world, and Taiwan is a part of China, not a country. It has also clearly stated that the government of the People's Republic of China is the only legitimate representative of China in the United Nations, and that there are no "two Chinas" or "one China, one Taiwan."

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The dialogue was part of a cross-Strait academic event co-hosted by Xiamen University and the Academy of Chinese Culture.