Published: 14:22, April 23, 2024
250 cross-border telecom fraud suspects handed to China by Laos
By Xinhua
In this file photo dated Jan 11, 2019, telecom and internet crime suspects are brought back to China from Laos at Xinzheng International Airport in Zhengzhou, capital of central China's Henan province. (PHOTO / XINHUA)

BEIJING - Laos had handed 250 Chinese suspects of cross-border telecom fraud to China, China's Ministry of Public Security said on Tuesday.

Chinese and Lao police recently cooperated to bust three criminal dens in Laos, seizing 250 Chinese suspects of cross-border telecom fraud and over 1,000 mobile phones and computers used for committing such crimes, according to the ministry.

During the cooperation, Chinese police discovered clues to the criminal dens in Laos while working to solve a telecom fraud case in China. The groups were suspected of targeting Chinese nationals for telecom fraud involving huge amounts of money.

Chinese police informed their Lao counterparts of the clues after securing criminal facts and evidence. Lao police successfully busted the dens in a prompt manner, the ministry said.

READ MORE: Crackdown on telecom fraud bears fruit, says chief of top procuratorate

This marked another major achievement in law enforcement cooperation between the two countries' police forces, the ministry said, vowing to step up further efforts on intensifying international cooperation to resolutely contain cross-border crimes such as telecom fraud.