Published: 12:16, April 23, 2024
China, Cambodia to strengthen exchanges, cooperation
By Xinhua
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi (right) attends a meeting with Cambodian Senate President Samdech Techo Hun Sen (left) in Phnom Penh on April 22, 2024. (PHOTO / XINHUA)

PHNOM PENH - Visiting Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi has said that building the China-Cambodia community with a shared future has entered a new era of high level, high quality, and high standard.

Wang, also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, made the remarks during a meeting with Cambodian Senate President Samdech Techo Hun Sen in Phnom Penh on Monday afternoon.

Under the strategic guidance of both leaders, building the China-Cambodia community with a shared future has entered a new era of high level, high quality and high standard, Wang said, adding that this year marks the beginning of building the China-Cambodia community with a shared future in the new era and is also the China-Cambodia People-to-People Exchange Year.

Hun Sen hopes that the two sides will further expand the areas of cooperation, enrich the connotation of cooperation, implement more major projects, and promote continuous new and positive progress towards building a community with a shared future for the two countries in the new era

Wang said China is willing to work with Cambodia to implement high-level consensus as the main line, inherit and carry forward China-Cambodia's fine traditions of high mutual trust, unity and collaboration, and mutual benefit, and promote the implementation of major projects such as the Industrial Development Corridor and the Fish and Rice Corridor as soon as possible.

READ MORE: China says ready to work with Cambodia to promote community with shared future

He added that China is ready to strengthen exchanges of experience in state governance, intensify cooperation between legislative bodies, and promote inter-party exchanges to a new level, so the China-Cambodia friendship can bring more benefits to the two peoples.

For his part, Hun Sen said China is Cambodia's close friend and strategic partner, and Cambodia remains determined to pursue friendly policies with China and to promote cooperation with China.

He said the seventh meeting of the Cambodia-China Intergovernmental Coordination Committee was successfully held, with a lot of consensuses reached, which reflected the high degree of political mutual trust between the two sides and will provide vital impetus for the development of Cambodia.

READ MORE: Diplomat: China, Cambodia enjoyed fruitful trade ties in '23

Hun Sen hopes that the two sides will further expand the areas of cooperation, enrich the connotation of cooperation, implement more major projects, and promote continuous new and positive progress towards building a community with a shared future for the two countries in the new era.  

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi (left) shakes hands with Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Manet in Phnom Penh on April 22, 2024. (PHOTO / XINHUA)

‘Always be Cambodia's friend’

Wang Yi also met with Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Manet on Monday.

During a meeting, the Chinese foreign minister said no matter how the international situation has changed, China will always be Cambodia's most reliable friend and firmest supporter for its development.

Listing some of the important cooperation frameworks and projects, Wang said they brought tangible benefits to the people of both countries.

The prime minister said Cambodia is willing to work with China to strengthen their cooperation in various fields

Wang said China is willing to work with Cambodia to implement the new version of the action plan for building a community with a shared future, enhance mutual trust and support, and deepen mutually beneficial cooperation.

ALSO READ: China, Cambodia agree to promote military cooperation

For his part, Hun Manet said China's development has brought important opportunities to regional countries, and Cambodia has benefited a lot from it.

Hun Manet said Cambodia firmly supports China's position on issues concerning China's core interests including those related to Taiwan, Hong Kong and Xinjiang, actively participates in the Belt and Road Initiative, and supports the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative and the Global Civilization Initiative.

ALSO READ: Li hails China-Cambodia Year of People-to-People Exchange

The prime minister said Cambodia is willing to work with China to strengthen their cooperation in various fields, welcome more Chinese companies to invest in Cambodia, promote the implementation of more major projects, intensify coordination and cooperation in multilateral affairs, and continuously enrich the community with a shared future between Cambodia and China.