Published: 20:09, April 22, 2024
Chinese premier stresses construction of capital market
By Xinhua
Chinese Premier Li Qiang attends the World Economic Forum (WEF) Annual Meeting 2024 and delivers a special address to the event in Davos, Switzerland, Jan 16, 2024. (PHOTO / XINHUA)

BEIJING - Chinese Premier Li Qiang on Monday stressed efforts to accelerate the development of a safe, well-regulated, transparent, open, dynamic and resilient capital market.

He called for efforts to better leverage the role of the capital market and accelerate the building of a nation with a strong financial sector to serve Chinese modernization.

Li made the remarks at a State Council study session that focused on further reforms of the capital market for steady and healthy development.

ALSO READ: China releases capital market guideline, urging tighter regulation, risk control

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2012, the capital market, a crucial part of modern financial system, has accelerated development, playing a key role in promoting optimal allocation of resources, supporting scientific and technological innovation, and promoting economic and social development, he said.