Published: 16:40, April 20, 2024
Venezuela calls for economic independence amid US blockade
By Xinhua

Venezuela's Vice-President Delcy Rodriguez delivers a speech during a session to introduce an "anti-fascist law" at the National Assembly in Caracas on April 2, 2024. (PHOTO / AFP)

CARACAS - The unilateral coercive measures imposed on Venezuela by the United States have led Venezuelans to be determined and to unite in the construction of a new model of a diversified economy, said Venezuelan Vice-President Delcy Rodriguez on Friday.

"We have achieved political independence, but we must go further, we must move towards economic independence," Rodriguez said in Caracas on the occasion of the 214th anniversary of the proclamation of independence in 1810.

The vice-president affirmed that the determination of the Venezuelan people is concretized in the consensus of the construction of a new diversified and plural economic model

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"And if anything has put this crude and immoral economic blockade against Venezuela to the test, it is the determination of this people for economic independence," she said.

The vice-president affirmed that the determination of the Venezuelan people is concretized in the consensus of the construction of a new diversified and plural economic model.

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"The national union is also expressed in great consensus, which is the rejection of rude, savage, unilateral coercive measures," said Rodriguez, adding that Venezuela is not subordinated to the mandates of the United States.