Published: 14:21, April 19, 2024 | Updated: 14:31, April 19, 2024
HKO chief elected to WMO technical commission
By Wang Zhan
Director of the Hong Kong Observatory, Dr Chan Pak-wai (first right), with the elected President, Michel Jean (second right); Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization, Professor Celeste Saulo (center); and the other two elected co-vice-presidents, Dr Pascal Waniha (second left), and Dr Jan Danhelka (first left) at the third Session of INFCOM held in Geneva, Switzerland, April 18, 2024. (PHOTO / HKSAR GOVT)

HONG KONG – Dr Chan Pak-wai, director of the Hong Kong Observatory, has been elected a co-vice-president of the Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems (INFCOM) of the World Meteorological Organization.

Chan won overwhelming support at the third INFCOM session in Geneva, Switzerland on Thursday to become the first Asian to take up a leadership position in INFCOM, according to a government press release.

I will devote my best efforts and join hands with experts in the commission to achieve a common goal to protect lives and properties through science and innovation.

Dr Chan Pak-wai, Director, Hong Kong Observatory

As one of the two technical commissions under the WMO – the United Nations’ specialized agency for weather, climate, water, and related environmental matters – INFCOM contributes to developing and implementing globally coordinated Earth system observations, data, and prediction systems.

“It is my great honor to serve as a co-vice-president of INFCOM and contribute to the international meteorological community,” Dr Chan said after Thursday’s election.

Thanking the central government and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government for their support for his work at the commission, he also extended his gratitude to INFCOM members for their trust and partnership.

“Moving forward, I will devote my best efforts and join hands with experts in the commission to achieve a common goal to protect lives and properties through science and innovation,” added Chan, who is currently the Permanent Representative of Hong Kong, China with WMO.

He also served as a co-vice-chair of the Standing Committee on Measurements, Instrumentation and Traceability of INFCOM to promote the standardization of meteorological and related observations.

Over the years, the HKO has played a significant role in various WMO activities and is highly recognized by WMO members and the Secretariat, with HKO officers serving different roles in various technical commissions, standing committees, study groups and expert teams of the WMO.