Published: 16:53, April 17, 2024
China-US economic working group convenes fourth meeting
By Xinhua
This file photo dated Nov 14, 2022 shows the national flags of China and the United States in Bali, Indonesia. (PHOTO / XINHUA)

BEIJING - The China-US economic working group held its fourth meeting on Tuesday in Washington DC, China's Ministry of Finance said Wednesday.

The meeting was co-chaired by China's Vice-Minister of Finance Liao Min and Under Secretary of the US Department of the Treasury Jay Shambaugh, the ministry said in a statement.

Focusing on implementing the important consensus reached by the lead persons, the two sides conducted in-depth, pragmatic and constructive communication on the macroeconomic situations and balanced growth in the two countries and the world, as well as arrangements for future communication.

The Chinese side expressed concern over the US economic and trade restrictions against China, and made further responses on the issue of production capacity.

The two sides agreed to maintain communication and exchanges.