Published: 19:35, April 15, 2024 | Updated: 09:25, April 16, 2024
A holistic approach to safeguarding national security and HK’s prosperity
By Joephy Chan

Joephy Chan says that thanks to the unwavering support of the motherland, the city’s future is brighter than ever before

Ten years ago today, President Xi Jinping introduced the concept of comprehensive national security, emphasizing the importance of understanding, practicing and promoting the nation’s overall security from a holistic perspective. It serves as the fundamental guideline and action plan for effectively addressing the various risks and challenges posed by significant changes in the national security landscape of the new era. This approach has led to more effective governance across all domains.

Immediately thereafter, on July 1, 2015, the Standing Committee of the 12th National People’s Congress passed the National Security Law of the People’s Republic of China, and April 15 each year was designated as the National Security Education Day (NSED).

The NSED is designed to enhance public awareness of national security, fostering a robust atmosphere for safeguarding national security and improving the ability to prevent national security risks. It also aims to educate citizens about the Constitution, the Basic Law, and national security, thereby fostering a stronger sense of national identity.

It has been proved time and again that China will not collapse because of rumor-mongering. The same applies to the HKSAR. Hong Kong has immense untapped potential for prosperity by integrating into the country’s overall development and jointly building the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area into a world-class economic cluster

On this meaningful day, the public is encouraged to recognize the importance of national security. The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government sponsors a series of activities, including the NSED flag-raising ceremony, open days for disciplinary and auxiliary forces, award ceremonies for maintaining national security, opening ceremonies, themed lectures, and national security educational activities in schools. These events take place across all 18 districts in Hong Kong, with various policy bureaus and departments taking part to promote NSED in an unprecedented manner.

Hong Kong, under the “one country, two systems” principle, has long been a crucial window for China’s opening up to the world.  However, because of the  absence of a robust national security system for a long time, Hong Kong became a vulnerable point for external forces to interfere with China’s internal affairs and undermine its economic development.

Since 1997, interference from external forces and the disruptive actions of anti-China elements in Hong Kong have long delayed the effective implementation of national education. This led to weakened national consciousness and awareness of sovereignty among some residents, particularly some young people.  It must be understood that the actions of external forces are often driven by self-interest rather than a genuine desire to benefit others. The “black-clad” riots in 2019-20 inflicted deep wounds on Hong Kong society that cannot be easily forgotten. Some countries, for their own geopolitical interests and malicious political intentions, deliberately targeted China and obstructed the successful implementation of “one country, two systems” in Hong Kong.

This year’s NSED is also the first since the enactment of the legislation under Article 23 of the Basic Law, which addresses the loopholes in Hong Kong’s national security system to ensure that the city will not be hindered by political turmoil again, thereby safeguarding the smooth implementation of “one country, two systems”. The Western rhetoric of Hong Kong being “over” recurs periodically, from

China’s resumption of the exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong in 1997 to the recent local legislation of the national security law. Yet, far from being  “over”, on the day after Hong Kong’s Safeguarding National Security Ordinance was passed in March,  a total of 25 strategic enterprises agreed with the HKSAR government to set up or expand their businesses in the city. Investors are over the moon to see the resolution of national security concerns in Hong Kong.

Today, Xia Baolong, director of the Hong Kong and Macao Work Office of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, gave an important speech reiterating the causation between national security and personal security. Since the implementation of the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance, residents have come to understand that it is a law that protects the nation, families, rights and freedoms. Previously, Hong Kong was wide open to national security threats, but now, with a robust security system in place, the “thieves” can be identified. While the “thieves” may not be pleased, it is far more important that genuine foreign friends coming to Hong Kong in pursuit of career aspirations are protected.

It has been proved time and again that China will not collapse because of rumor-mongering. The same applies to the HKSAR. Hong Kong has immense untapped potential for prosperity by integrating into the country’s overall development and jointly building the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area into a world-class economic cluster. As Xia explained, Hong Kong is like the sun that will not be obscured by nimbus clouds.  Even more heartwarming is Xia’s announcement of more favorable economic policies for Hong Kong. Thanks to the unwavering support of the motherland, Hong Kong’s future is brighter than ever before.

The author is a member of the Legislative Council and the UN Association of China.

The views do not necessarily reflect those of China Daily.