Published: 11:28, April 14, 2024
Thousands protest in Niger demanding withdrawal of US troops
By Xinhua

Protesters react as a man holds up a sign demanding that soldiers from the United States Army leave Niger without negotiation during a demonstration in Niamey, on April 13, 2024. (PHOTO / AFP)

NIAMEY - Thousands of demonstrators marched in the streets of Niger's capital of Niamey on Saturday, calling for the withdrawal of US troops, following the government's decision to terminate a military agreement with the United States.

Braving the heatwave, young men and women holding signs staged a peaceful protest. "US army, you leave, you move, you vanish," read the signs.

Mohamed Alkabir, who is in charge of synergizing Nigerien civil society organizations, said that this mobilization aims to urge the US side to promptly announce its timetable for withdrawing its troops from Niger.

In March, the nation halted its military pact with the United States.

A White House report to Congress indicated that approximately 650 US personnel were in Niger in December.