Published: 15:43, October 2, 2023 | Updated: 15:46, October 2, 2023
China's public offering funds value hits 28.71t yuan
By Xinhua

An investor is seen at a stock market in Hangzhou, capital of east China's Zhejiang province, Jan 2, 2018. (PHOTO / XINHUA)

BEIJING - Assets under the management of China's public offering funds totaled 28.71 trillion yuan (about $4 trillion) by the end of August 2023, data from the Asset Management Association of China showed.

By the end of August, a total of 11,111 public offering funds were being operated by 144 fund management companies, the association said.

The scale of closed-end funds neared 3.77 trillion yuan, with open-end funds at about 24.94 trillion yuan, the data revealed.

ALSO READ: China's public offering funds value hits 28.8 trillion yuan

Of the 144 fund management companies, 48 are foreign-funded and 96 are domestic firms, according to the association.