Published: 21:28, November 22, 2022 | Updated: 23:12, November 22, 2022
Xi expresses condolences over deadly earthquake in Indonesia
By Xinhua

Rescue workers look for victims under the ruins of collapsed buildings in Cianjur on Nov 22, 2022, following a 5.6-magnitude earthquake. (TIMUR MATAHARI / AFP)

BEIJING - Chinese President Xi Jinping on Tuesday sent a message of condolence to Indonesian President Joko Widodo over a deadly earthquake jolting Indonesia.

In the message, Xi said he was saddened to hear that the earthquake has caused heavy casualties and property losses. On behalf of the Chinese government and the Chinese people, he extended condolences over the deceased and expressed sincere sympathy to the bereaved families and the injured.

ALSO READ: Many school children among 252 dead in Indonesian earthquake

Xi also said he believes that under the leadership of Widodo and the Indonesian government, people in the affected areas will surely overcome the disaster and rebuild their homes.