Published: 23:20, October 25, 2022 | Updated: 14:43, October 26, 2022
Liaison office in HK holds study sessions on CPC congress
By Shadow Li

This file photo dated Oct 1, 2022, shows a flag-raising ceremony being held at the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in celebration of the 73rd anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. (EDMOND TANG / CHINA DAILY)

Officials of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region assembled on Tuesday to gain a better understanding of the just-concluded 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

In a study session held to convey and learn lessons from the 20th National Congress, Luo Huining, director of the Liaison Office, gave a speech to the officials, highlighting the importance of accurately and fully understanding the congress.  

Attendees emphasized the importance of understanding the impact of the weeklong congress and the slew of important ideas, perspectives, strategies and initiatives that were revealed during the congress

Attendees emphasized the importance of understanding the impact of the weeklong congress and the slew of important ideas, perspectives, strategies and initiatives that were revealed during the congress. 

They pledged to render their full support to the SAR government’s law-based governance so that Hong Kong can play a bigger role in the nation’s great rejuvenation. 

ALSO READ: Politburo sets implementation of CPC congress principles

Compared with previous congress reports, the latest congress report carried the most significant weight in terms of works relating to the Hong Kong and Macao SARs and is in the same vein as the important speech given by Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, on July 1 in Hong Kong to mark the 25th anniversary of the city’s return to the motherland. 

Attendees of the study session agreed that it fully demonstrated the great importance that the CPC Central Committee has attached to the cause of “one country, two systems” and the weight of the two SARs in the whole country. It also shows that the Central Committee has a good command of works relating to the two regions and served as an action guide for Hong Kong to march toward order and prosperity. 

Hong Kong’s emergence from chaos to order is one of the greatest achievements that the Party and the nation has made in the past five years and is a living embodiment of the great transformation over the past 10 years of the new era. 

For that, attendees said it is important to recognize that “one country, two systems” is a great invention under "socialism with Chinese characteristics" and the best institutional arrangement, which should be upheld in the long run, for maintaining Hong Kong’s long-term stability and prosperity since its return to the motherland. 

ALSO READ: HK communities actively study 20th CPC National Congress

It is also necessary to have a comprehensive command of the CPC Central Committee’s guiding principles and policies toward Hong Kong, comprehensively, accurately and unwaveringly implement “one country, two systems”, “Hong Kong people administering Hong Kong” with a high-degree of autonomy, faithfully support the SAR government’s law-based governance, and safeguard the constitutional order jointly established by the Constitution and the Basic Law.

The participants were convinced that advancing “one country, two systems” in Hong Kong is an organic part of the irresistible great rejuvenation of the nation. 

The upcoming five years, which are critical in the initial stage of building a modern socialist country in all respects, marks a key junction for Hong Kong to open a new chapter and take a leap forward. 

Attendees called on their Hong Kong compatriots to stand together in solidarity to forge ahead and rise up to the challenges and jointly write a new chapter for Hong Kong’s transformation to order and prosperity. 

READ MORE: SAR youth welcomes integration strategies