Published: 15:45, March 5, 2022 | Updated: 22:58, March 6, 2022
HK govt says medicine supply stable, no need to stockpile
By Wang Zhan


HONG KONG - The Hong Kong government called on the public not to stockpile medicines that can relieve symptoms of upper respiratory tract infection as the overall supply of these medicines is stable.

In a statement, the government noted that there has been a sharp rise in demand for drugs for relieving pains and reducing fever as well as cough syrup, in particular a certain brand of medicine containing paracetamol, amid a surge in COVID-19 infections in the city.

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The Department of Health has liaised with suppliers, local manufacturers and community pharmacy associations and was told that the overall supply of these medicines continues to remain stable

The Department of Health has liaised with suppliers, local manufacturers and community pharmacy associations and was told that the overall supply of these medicines continues to remain stable, though the supply of specific brands of medicine may be temporarily tight.

It also noted that there are currently 777 pharmaceutical products containing paracetamol registered in Hong Kong. 

The department has requested the government's contract supplier to redeploy the stock. It has also asked suppliers and manufactures association to increase supply to meet the needs of the local market. 

The government added it would consider procuring these medicines from the mainland if necessary.

ALSO READ: City's panic buying unwarranted amid steady supplies from the mainland