Published: 18:52, December 1, 2021 | Updated: 23:00, December 1, 2021
China firmly opposes Abe's remarks on Taiwan
By Xinhua

This undated file photo shows the Taipei 101 skyscraper in Taipei, southeast China's Taiwan. (ZHU XIANG / XINHUA)

BEIJING - China on Wednesday expressed strong dissatisfaction and firm opposition to former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's recent remarks on Taiwan.

"Abe, in disregard of the basic norms governing international relations and the principles set out in the four political documents between China and Japan, flagrantly made irresponsible remarks on Taiwan and stirred in China's internal affairs," spokesperson Wang Wenbin said at a daily press briefing.

China is strongly dissatisfied with and firmly opposed to this, and has made stern representations through diplomatic channels, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said

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China is strongly dissatisfied with and firmly opposed to this, and has made stern representations through diplomatic channels, he said, adding that Taiwan is part of China's sacred territory and outsiders will never be allowed to get their hands on it.

Noting that Japan had colonized Taiwan for half a century and committed countless crimes, Wang said no one should underestimate the resolve, will and ability of the Chinese people to defend their national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

"Anyone who dares to take the old path of militarism and challenge the bottom line of the Chinese people will inevitably run into bumps and bruises," he said.

READ MORE: China urges US to stop fanning flame on Taiwan issues

Meanwhile, Ma Xiaoguang, a spokesperson for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, voiced firm opposition to countries that have diplomatic ties with China engaging in any form of official interaction with Taiwan.

Ma made the remarks in response to a media query regarding a recent visit to Taiwan made by lawmakers from the three Baltic nations.

The countries involved ought to uphold the one-China principle and handle the Taiwan question with prudence, said Ma.

He also warned Taiwan's Democratic Progressive Party that its attempts to collude with foreign forces in seeking "Taiwan independence" will be futile.