Published: 20:14, July 7, 2021 | Updated: 23:56, July 7, 2021
Xi urges China, Greece to set example in mutual trust, ties
By Xinhua

President Xi Jinping addresses the general assemblies of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and the National Congress of the China Association for Science and Technology. Scientists and engineers attended the meetings on May 28 in Beijing. (LI XIANG / XINHUA)

BEIJING - Chinese President Xi Jinping on Wednesday called on China and Greece to set for the international community an example of friendship and mutual trust, a benchmark for win-win cooperation as well as a model for mutual learning between civilizations.

Xi made the remarks during his telephone conversation with Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis.

Mitsotakis extended congratulations on the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC), saying that the CPC has changed not only the future of China, but also the trajectory of the world's development.

China's success in lifting hundreds of millions of people out of poverty is a miracle in the history of human progress, he said, adding that he believes that under Xi's leadership, China will continue to make new great achievements.

Chinese President Xi Jinping called on both China and Greece to continue to show mutual understanding and mutual support on issues concerning their respective core interests and major concerns, and set an example of friendship and mutual trust for the international community

Thanking him for the congratulations, Xi stressed that the CPC will work with all peace-loving countries and nations to promote humanity's common values of peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy and freedom, and make greater contributions to world peace and human progress.

Xi pointed out that the world is currently facing the intertwined challenges of profound changes and a pandemic both unseen in a century.

China and Greece are both ancient civilizations, and have both experienced a mixed development process of tribulation and greatness, Xi said, adding that the two countries also share similar ideas about the advance of human civilization and the transformation of international order.

ALSO READ: China eyes at forging closer ties with Greece

Under the current situation, to carry forward and further promote China-Greece relations will not only help energize the post-pandemic economic recovery, but also contribute wisdom of ancient civilizations to improving the global governance system, Xi said.

He called on the two sides to continue to show mutual understanding and mutual support on issues concerning their respective core interests and major concerns, and set an example of friendship and mutual trust for the international community.

Xi also urged the two countries to deepen collaboration within such frameworks as the Belt and Road Initiative and the China-Central and Eastern European countries cooperation, and set a benchmark for win-win cooperation for the world.

In so doing, he added, the two countries can also establish a model for mutual learning between civilizations, and gather new consensus and strength to promote world peace and development.

Xi noted that this year marks the 15th anniversary of the China-Greece comprehensive strategic partnership, and the next year marks the 50th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic ties.

READ MORE: Xi calls for strengthening China-Greece practical cooperation

China, he said, is willing to work with Greece to strengthen exchanges on governance experience, deepen traditional friendship and practical cooperation, and lift bilateral ties to new levels.

It serves the interests of both sides and follows the trend of the times for China and Europe to conduct dialogue and deepen cooperation in the spirit of mutual respect, seeking common ground while reserving differences, as well as openness and mutual benefit, Xi said, adding that he hopes for Greece to continue to play an active role.