Published: 21:13, August 5, 2020 | Updated: 20:45, June 5, 2023
Beijing urges Washington to abide by one-China principle
By Xinhua

BEIJING - China has lodged solemn representations to the United States regarding the scheduled visit of US Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar to Taiwan, a Foreign Ministry spokesperson said Wednesday.

Spokesperson Wang Wenbin told a daily news briefing that China firmly opposes official ties between the United States and Taiwan, and the stance is "consistent and clear"

Spokesperson Wang Wenbin told a daily news briefing that China firmly opposes official ties between the United States and Taiwan, and the stance is "consistent and clear."

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"The Taiwan question is the most important and sensitive issue in China-US relations, and the one-China principle is the political foundation of the bilateral relationship," Wang said, urging the US side to abide by the one-China principle and the provisions of three China-US joint communiques, stop all forms of official exchanges with Taiwan, and handle Taiwan-related issues prudently and properly.

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The US side should refrain from sending any wrong signals to "Taiwan independence" forces so as not to seriously damage China-US relations as well as peace and stability across the Taiwan Straits, said the spokesperson.

Wang emphasized that the one-China principle is recognized by the international community, adding any attempt to ignore, deny or challenge it will end in failure.

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