Published: 20:16, February 5, 2020 | Updated: 08:16, June 6, 2023
China calls for open, equitable environment for 5G technology
By Xinhua

BEIJING — China called on countries around the world to view 5G network risks in an objective manner and provide an open, equitable, fair and non-discriminatory environment for 5G technology to achieve mutual benefits and common development, a Foreign Ministry spokesperson said Wednesday.

The China Academy of Information and Communications Technology and IMT-2020 (5G) Promotion Group recently published a 5G security report.

5G is a new generation of information and communications technology that continues to evolve and upgrade and the accelerated development of 5G will have multifaceted and profound political, economic, cultural and social impacts

Hua Chunying, Spokesperson, Foreign Ministry

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The report offers a systemic view of potential security risks in key technologies, typical application scenarios and industrial ecology, proposes security concepts and corresponding protective measures, and envisions strengthening mutual trust and cooperation to promote secure 5G development, spokesperson Hua Chunying told an online press briefing.

5G is a new generation of information and communications technology that continues to evolve and upgrade and the accelerated development of 5G will have multifaceted and profound political, economic, cultural and social impacts, said Hua, adding that countries are in similar positions when it comes to promoting the growth of the digital economy and dealing with challenges posed by security risks.

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She said all countries must embrace the concept of open and cooperative cybersecurity, view 5G network risks in an objective manner, and discuss and formulate global standards and rules of 5G security at multilateral platforms where all parties can participate.

The international community should uphold the principle of mutual respect and trust, provide an open, equitable, fair and non-discriminatory environment for 5G technology and grasp the huge opportunity for development in the new round of scientific and technological revolution to achieve mutual benefits and common development, Hua said.