Published: 15:22, February 5, 2020 | Updated: 08:17, June 6, 2023
Mainland steps up services for Taiwan people amid outbreak
By Xinhua

In this undated file photo, Ma Xiaoguang, spokesperson for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, takes a question during a press conference in Beijing, China. (CHEN YEHUA / XINHUA)

BEIJING — The Chinese mainland has stepped up services for Taiwan compatriots and businesses on the mainland amid the novel coronavirus outbreak, a mainland official said Wednesday.

Taiwan affairs offices across the mainland have established working groups for epidemic prevention and control, and maintained close communication with Taiwan compatriots, businesses and associations, said Ma Xiaoguang, spokesperson for the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office, during an interview.

Among the Taiwan compatriots currently on the mainland, three are confirmed to have been infected with the virus and two are suspected, Ma said

The offices have worked to keep these groups informed of the epidemic and prevention tips as well as help solve practical difficulties, Ma said.

Among the Taiwan compatriots currently on the mainland, three are confirmed to have been infected with the virus and two are suspected, Ma said, noting that all of them received timely medical treatment.

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"We are also making arrangements for those who want to go home," Ma said.

The first group of 247 Taiwan compatriots stranded in virus-hit Hubei province boarded a chartered flight back home on Monday.

The mainland has kept Taiwan updated since the beginning of the epidemic and arranged Taiwan experts to visit Wuhan, capital of Hubei, Ma said.

The mainland will keep communicating and coordinating with Taiwan on epidemic prevention, which includes information sharing, and manage personnel who travel between the two sides.

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For Taiwan compatriots who return to the mainland for work or study after the Spring Festival, the mainland will help them enhance self-protection, he said.

Taiwan-invested companies that resume production on the mainland will receive government services to ensure the orderly development of production and operation as well as epidemic prevention.

Ma also voiced the hope that Taiwan will properly handle issues related to mainland students who study in Taiwan and protect their individual rights.