Published: 14:26, January 31, 2020 | Updated: 08:27, June 6, 2023
Temperature screening in place at all subway stations in Beijing
By Xinhua

A security personnel wearing protective clothing checks the temperature of a woman at a subway station entrance in Beijing on Jan 27, 2020. (NICOLAS ASFOURI / AFP)

BEIJING/HAIKOU/HARBIN - Beijing subway authorities on Friday said they have launched temperature detection measures in all of the city's subway stations.

Passengers will be tested by thermal imagers and handheld thermometers. Those with abnormal body temperatures will be sent to hospitals, Beijing subway operators said.

Passengers with abnormal body temperatures will be sent to hospitals, Beijing subway operators said

Beijing will introduce more thermal imagers to increase efficiency and ensure the smooth flow of passengers.

Cleaning and disinfection work has also been stepped up. Each carriage of the train is ordered to be disinfected every day. The entrances and exits, escalators, self-service machines, toilets and other public areas of subway stations are disinfected three times each day.

READ MORE: China beefs up novel coronavirus prevention measures

The capital has a total of 22 metro lines, with over 200 stops.  

Hainan suspends dental services

The Hainan provincial health commission has suspended services at all stomatology departments and dental clinics to minimize risks amid the novel coronavirus outbreak.

The Hainan provincial health commission suspended services at all stomatology departments and dental clinics to minimize risks

Hospitals and clinics will only retain necessary dentofacial surgery staff to deal with emergency situations such as wounds and infections, the commission said in a notice. Other diagnoses and treatments have all been suspended.

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The commission noted that patients and dentists have close face-to-face contact. If a patient were to conceal an infection or were in the incubation period, it would greatly increase the risk of contagion.   

It is difficult to effectively prevent the spreading of the virus with the current level of protection for dental clinics and departments, it said.

As of 8 am Friday, 50 people have been infected with the novel coronavirus in Hainan, and eight of them are in critical condition, according to figures on the commission website. The island province has reported one death from the virus infection.  

Heilongjiang postpones business operations

Northeast China's Heilongjiang province has asked enterprises not to resume working before Feb 10, in an effort to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus.

Authorities in Heilongjiang province have asked local enterprises, except those in sectors such as utilities, medical appliances and drugs, supermarkets and food, not to resume work before Feb 10

ALSO READ: China's strength in anti-virus battle comes from the people

Local enterprises, except those in sectors such as utilities, medical appliances and drugs, supermarkets and food, shall not resume their work earlier than midnight on Feb 9, provincial authorities said in a notification on Thursday.

The decision was made after the State Council, China's cabinet, extended the seven-day Spring Festival holiday, scheduled to end on Jan 30, to Feb 2 and postponed the opening of the spring semester.

Local authorities also urged companies to enhance efforts on prevention and control of the epidemic, including carrying out quarantine inspection, conducting ventilation and disinfection in buildings and allocating personal protection equipment for staff.

By the end of Thursday, Heilongjiang had reported a total of 59 confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus, with 18 in Harbin, the provincial capital.