Published: 15:49, September 19, 2022 | Updated: 16:24, September 19, 2022
Guangdong eases COVID-19 requirement on Macao border
By Zhang Caixiong in Guangzhou

People from Macao pass through automatic machines in the new Hengqin Port in Zhuhai, Guangdong province. (PHOTO BY QIAN WENPAN / FOR CHINA DAILY)

Guangdong province has relaxed its COVID-19 prevention and control requirement for travelers coming from bordering Macao Special Administrative Region starting 6 am on Monday.

According to a statement released by Zhuhai COVID-19 Prevention and Control Headquarters on Sunday, all the inbound passengers from Macao are required to show their negative results of COVID-19 done in 48 hours when they arrive at the border checkpoints in Zhuhai special economic zone starting 6 am on Monday

According to a statement released by Zhuhai COVID-19 Prevention and Control Headquarters on Sunday, all the inbound passengers from Macao are required to show their negative results of COVID-19 done in 48 hours when they arrive at the border checkpoints in Zhuhai special economic zone starting 6 am on Monday.

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Previously all the inbound passengers in Zhuhai's border checkpoints were required to show the negative results done in 24 hours.

The relaxation of requirements is the result of negotiation between Guangdong and Macao and the improvement of current COVID-19 epidemic situation in the two regions, the statement said.

However, other entry requirements and pandemic prevention and control measures previously introduced remain intact, the statement said.

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All the inbound passengers from Macao are still required to report to local neighborhood committees, work units or hotels after they enter Guangdong province and undergo nucleic acid tests twice over three days, it said.