Published: 11:07, May 19, 2024
Iran to increase annual production of defense exports by 50%
By Xinhua
This handout picture provided by the Iranian Defence Ministry on Feb 17, 2024 shows officers standing next to a Sayad-3 missile during the unveiling of the Arman defense systems at an undisclosed location. (PHOTO / AFP)

TEHRAN - Iran's Defense Ministry Spokesman Reza Talaei-Nik said on Saturday that the country sought to raise its production of export-oriented defense products by 50 percent in the current Iranian calendar year, which will end on March 20, 2025.

He made the remarks at a conference in the western Iranian province of Hamedan, while elaborating on the ministry's objectives this year, according to the official news agency IRNA.

The Defense Ministry has "taken long strides" towards boosting the production of defense products to meet the needs of Iran's armed forces and increase exports, Talaei-Nik added.

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Talaei-Nik underscored Iran's achievement in fulfilling domestic demand for defense products and highlighted the ministry's focus on expanding exports to meet rising international demand for Iranian defense industry products.