Published: 19:38, April 18, 2024
China unveils national industry standards for managing social organizations
By Xinhua
This photo taken on Sept 29, 2023 shows the Tian'anmen Square on the Beijing Central Axis in Beijing, capital of China.  (PHOTO / XINHUA)

BEIJING — The Chinese government has unveiled the inaugural set of industry standards for managing social organizations. These standards, which were formulated at the national level, are scheduled to take effect on May 1.

Among the four documents released by the Ministry of Civil Affairs, one focuses on elucidating the fundamental terminology of social organization management. Its objective is to standardize and efficiently execute social organization management, laying the groundwork for subsequent standards in this domain.

The remaining three guidelines are designed to help industry associations, chambers of commerce, academic social groups, and social service agencies in regulating internal governance. Their aim is to elevate management service standards and organizational performance, while also bolstering capabilities for risk prevention and resolution.