Published: 19:21, April 18, 2024
China awards medals to Shenzhou XVI astronauts
By Xinhua
This undated photo shows Chinese taikonauts Jing Haipeng (center), Zhu Yangzhu (right) and Gui Haichao who will carry out the Shenzhou XVI spaceflight mission. (PHOTO / XINHUA)

BEIJING — Three astronauts who took part in the Shenzhou XVI crewed mission were on Thursday awarded medals for their services to China's space endeavors.

Jing Haipeng was honored with a special-class aerospace achievement medal. Zhu Yangzhu and Gui Haichao received third-class aerospace achievement medals and the honorary title of "Heroic Astronaut."

The awards were given by the Communist Party of China Central Committee, the State Council and the Central Military Commission.