Published: 20:17, February 21, 2024 | Updated: 20:28, February 21, 2024
Beijing: US veto makes situation in Gaza more dangerous
By Xinhua

This undated photo shows the building of China's Foreign Ministry in Beijing, capital of China. (PHOTO PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY)

BEIJING - Various parties, including China, expressed strong disappointment by and dissatisfaction with the United States once again vetoing a United Nations Security Council (UNSC) draft resolution demanding an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson said on Wednesday.

"The US veto pushes the situation in Gaza into a more dangerous one," spokesperson Mao Ning said at a daily press briefing when asked to comment on US voting against the Algeria-drafted resolution. According to reports, this is the third time that the United States has vetoed a draft resolution related to the Gaza conflict.

Mao said the protracted Palestinian-Israeli conflict has resulted in a devastating humanitarian situation in Gaza and severely impacted regional peace and stability

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Mao said the protracted Palestinian-Israeli conflict has resulted in a devastating humanitarian situation in Gaza and severely impacted regional peace and stability. The UNSC must take immediate actions to push for a ceasefire, Mao said.

The draft resolution put forward by Algeria on behalf of the Arab states demands an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, the immediate release of all hostages, guaranteed access for humanitarian supplies, and the rejection of forced displacement, Mao said.

Urgently required by the situation and based on the minimum requirements of humanity, the draft resolution was supported by the overwhelming majority of Security Council members, and China has voted in favor of it, Mao added.

READ MORE: US vetoes UNSC draft resolution demanding ceasefire in Gaza

Mao said that China stands ready to work with all parties in the international community to push the Security Council to take more responsible and meaningful actions and work relentlessly for a ceasefire in Gaza at an early date, ease the humanitarian situation, promote the implementation of the two-state solution and achieve lasting peace and stability in the Middle East.