Published: 09:56, May 31, 2023 | Updated: 10:30, May 31, 2023
Chinese Blue Helmets seen as vital to UN peacekeeping

Chinese Blue Helmets peacekeepers salute to the motherland in the camp in southern Lebanon, on September 29, 2020. (PHOTO / XINHUA)

BEIJING - A Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson said Tuesday that over the past three decades and more, China has sent over 50,000 peacekeepers to participate in United Nations peacekeeping operations (UNPKOs) in more than 20 countries and regions, and that Chinese Blue Helmets have become a vital force in the UN's peacekeeping efforts.

May 29, 2023 was the 21st International Day of UN Peacekeepers. Spokesperson Mao Ning made the remarks at a daily news briefing when answering a relevant query.

Over the past three decades and more, China has sent over 50,000 peacekeepers to participate in UNPKOs in more than 20 countries and regions. A total of 25 Chinese peacekeepers have made the ultimate sacrifice, Mao added

Noting that UN peacekeeping missions are an important means to advance international peace and security, Mao said that over the past seven decades or so, the UN has conducted over 70 missions, rallying more than a million peacekeepers under the UN flag and making outstanding contributions to safeguarding and restoring regional peace and assisting in the resolution of regional conflicts.

"The Blue Helmets have become a symbol of peace and hope, winning wide acclaim from the international community," she said.

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In 1990, China sent military observers to the UN, which marked the beginning of its participation in UNPKOs. In 1992, China dispatched its first formed military unit of Blue Helmets to participate in UNPKOs, Mao said.

Over the past three decades and more, China has sent over 50,000 peacekeepers to participate in UNPKOs in more than 20 countries and regions. A total of 25 Chinese peacekeepers have made the ultimate sacrifice, Mao added.

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"China is the second-largest contributor to UN peacekeeping assessments and the largest troop contributor to peacekeeping operations among the five permanent members of the Security Council," Mao said, adding that more than 2,200 Chinese officers are working in eight peacekeeping mission areas now.

Chinese Blue Helmets peacekeepers clear the ruins of the port explosions in Beirut, Lebanon, September 30, 2020. (PHOTO / XINHUA)

Chinese peacekeepers adhere to the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, act in strict accordance with their mandate, and faithfully fulfill peacekeeping missions, making important contributions to safeguarding world peace and promoting common development, Mao added.

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"Against complex and severe international security situations, the role and significance of UNPKOs have become more prominent," Mao said, adding that China will continue to work in close cooperation with the international community to increase the efficacy and efficiency of UNPKOs so that they can play a bigger role in safeguarding international peace and security.