Published: 09:24, November 25, 2022 | Updated: 14:35, November 25, 2022
Mainland reports 3,041 new local COVID-19 cases
By Xinhua

This undated file photo shows a medical worker taking a swab sample from a resident for nucleic acid testing in Chongqing. (PHOTO / XINHUA)

CHONGQING/BEIJING - The Chinese mainland on Thursday reported 3,041 locally transmitted confirmed COVID-19 cases, the National Health Commission said Friday.

Altogether 29,654 local asymptomatic carriers were newly identified.

A total of 1,752 COVID-19 patients were discharged from hospitals after recovery on the mainland on Thursday, said the commission in its daily report.

Chinese Vice-Premier Sun Chunlan stressed more effective transfer of patients and on-site epidemiological investigation, more resources and manpower to regions that reported serious outbreaks

Thursday saw no new deaths from COVID-19, with the total death toll at 5,232.

ALSO READ: Chinese mainland reports 3,927 new local COVID-19 cases

Meanwhile, Chinese Vice-Premier Sun Chunlan has asked local authorities of southwest China's Chongqing municipality to try their best to contain the COVID-19 outbreak and return people's life and work to normal as quickly as possible.

Sun made the remarks in an inspection to Chongqing. She arrived in the municipality to guide local COVID-19 prevention and control work on Monday.

Sun stressed more effective transfer of patients and on-site epidemiological investigation, more resources and manpower to regions that reported serious outbreaks, and stricter health monitoring on key localities, such as nursing homes, colleges and prisons, as well as risky groups such as people working at mail and logistics services.

READ MORE: Speed, service key for COVID control

Sun also urged efforts to ensure people's basic life and medical needs are met.