Published: 20:47, November 21, 2022 | Updated: 21:01, November 21, 2022
Report: Iran's IRGC strikes 'separatist' bases in Iraq's Kurdistan region
By Xinhua

This video grab taken from footage provided by the Iranian military to Farsnews agency social media on 29 Sept 29 2022, reportedly shows a missile launch from the Iranian Kurdistan (Komalah) region directed towards Sulaimaniyah in Iraq's autonomous Kurdistan region. (FARS NEWS AGENCY / AFP)

TEHRAN - Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) launched fresh missile and drone attacks on the positions of Iranian "separatist" groups in the Iraqi Kurdistan region, Tasnim news agency reported on Monday.

The IRGC Ground Force targeted the positions of the Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan with four missiles and drones in the town of Koy Sanjaq and the Baharka Village in the region in the early hours of Monday morning, according to the report.

The IRGC's drones carried out another attack on the bases of the Komala Party at two locations near the city of Sulaymaniyah in the Iraqi Kurdistan region, it said.

"In addition to the destruction of targets, heavy blows and damages were inflicted on the terrorists," IRGC said in a statement.

ALSO READ: Report: Iran's Revolutionary Guards targeted 'terrorists' in Iraq

According to the report, the IRGC's Ground Force began to hit the Iraq-based Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan and Komala Party on Sept 24 after the "illegal" entry by the armed groups into the Iranian western and northwestern border cities.

Media reports said that Iranian security officials have urged the Iraqi government to take full control of the security of joint borders in the west and northwest of Iran.