Published: 16:36, November 6, 2022 | Updated: 16:47, November 6, 2022
China sees robust exports of knowledge-intensive services
By Xinhua

Visitors take snapshots of a model of the domestically developed C919 passenger jet on display at the 2022 China International Fair for Trade in Services in Beijing. (WANG ZHEN / FOR CHINA DAILY)

BEIJING - China registered robust growth in exports of knowledge-intensive services in the first nine months of 2022, official data showed.

Imports in knowledge-intensive services rose 4.8 percent compared with a year ago to reach about 821.9 billion yuan

The country's exports of knowledge-intensive services totaled over 1.04 trillion yuan (about $143.3 billion) during the Jan-Sept period, up 14.9 percent year-on-year, according to the Ministry of Commerce.

Imports in this field rose 4.8 percent compared with a year ago to reach about 821.9 billion yuan. Among them, insurance services imports surged 56.2 percent year-on-year.

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China's knowledge-intensive services expanded 10.2 percent year-on-year during this period.