Published: 20:44, August 10, 2022 | Updated: 20:51, August 10, 2022
Wang warns against continued provocations on Taiwan
By Zhao Jia

This undated file photo shows Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi. (PHOTO / FMPRC)

State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi has warned against dangerous tendencies in the development of the situation across the Taiwan Straits, saying the white paper the State Council released on Wednesday on the Taiwan question aims to send a strong message to the world about the question.

Foreign Minister Wang Yi urged keeping watch on "Taiwan independence" elements who might miscalculate the situation and redouble their efforts to collude with external forces to further their plans of splitting the nation

He called for staying vigilant about the US, who might not be resigned to its failure on the Taiwan question, and gang up to add fuel to the flames by expanding its military presence in the region to escalate tensions in an effort to create new, bigger crises.

READ MORE: Wang denounces US moves on Taiwan

He urged keeping watch on "Taiwan independence" elements who might miscalculate the situation and redouble their efforts to collude with external forces to further their plans of splitting the nation.

Wang also underlined the need to be wary of politicians from certain countries who might attempt to perform political stunts.

Such acts would severely damage the political foundation of diplomatic relations between China and other countries, and seriously impact the United Nations Charter and the international system established after World War II, he added.

ALSO READ: Wang Yi: US mistaken on Taiwan question in 3 aspects