Published: 11:56, February 20, 2022 | Updated: 18:01, February 20, 2022
HKMAO chief vows to back HK's virus fight by all means
By Li Bingcun

Xia Baolong, director of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council, vowed on Saturday to mobilize all resources and forces to help Hong Kong get through the COVID-19 pandemic.

Chairing the third coordination meeting on the pandemic situation in Shenzhen, Xia stressed that departments need to think out of the box and adopt extraordinary measures to stamp out the virus. 

Xia Baolong, director of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council, urged them to overcome all difficulties, mobilize all resources and figure out all possible ways to support the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government’s anti-pandemic efforts

He urged them to overcome all difficulties, mobilize all resources and figure out all possible ways to support the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government’s anti-pandemic efforts. Every task must be carried out swiftly and efficiently, Xia said.

ALSO READ: COVID-19: CE thanks central govt for ceaseless support for HK

At the meeting Xia listened to reports about the latest developments in the nation’s assistance to Hong Kong, including the arrival of the second batch of 114 medical experts, the construction of new community quarantine and treatment facilities, and the opening of sea routes to transport fresh food to the city.

Participants at the meeting discussed the feasibility of opening additional ports to speed up customs clearance of anti-pandemic supplies and personnel, and the construction of makeshift hospitals.

The first and the second coordination meetings on the SAR's pandemic situation were held on Wednesday and Friday.

READ MORE: New quarantine facilities being built with mainland support