Published: 09:51, July 4, 2021 | Updated: 14:02, July 4, 2021
Commissioner's office firmly opposes US trafficking report
By Wang Zhan

This Nov 17, 2016 photo shows the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) in Central. (PARKER ZHENG / CHINA DAILY)

HONG KONG - The Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region on Saturday strongly disapproved and firmly opposed the far-fetched allegations in the “2021 Trafficking in Persons Report” released by the US State Department.

In a statement, a spokesperson for the commissioner’s office said the report vilified the National Security Law for the HKSAR to smear the efforts and achievements of the SAR in combating trafficking in persons. 

The report ignored facts, smacked of political bias, and was part of the contemptible scheme to seize every possible chance to demonize the National Security Law, a spokesperson for the commissioner's office said

The report ignored facts, smacked of political bias, and was part of the contemptible scheme to seize every possible chance to demonize the National Security Law, the spokesperson added.

The spokesperson pointed out that the law targets crimes that gravely endanger national security and punishes a very small handful of criminals while protecting the vast majority of citizens, "and in no way impedes the normal exchanges and cooperation between the SAR government and the Hong Kong community, including NGOs."

ALSO READ: Commissioner's office slams British meddling in HK affairs

“The US has a notorious record for trafficking in persons, where forced labor and human trafficking cases abound. But instead of reflecting upon itself, it has been busy pointing fingers and dictating at others, and has even distorted the truth with trumped-up charges in order to serve its ulterior political agenda,” the spokesperson said.

“ Isn’t it outright hypocrisy and shamelessness?”

The spokesperson emphasized that Hong Kong affairs are China’s internal affairs, which no external force shall meddle with. 

“We urge the US side to get its place right, manage its own affairs well, immediately stop malicious vilification of the National Security Law for the HKSAR, and stop the boring performance of discrediting the HKSAR government in whatever form and on whatever pretext,” the spokesperson added.

READ MORE: National Security Law gives HK bright future