Published: 19:19, January 27, 2021 | Updated: 03:20, June 5, 2023
Xi stresses 'patriots governing HK' when hearing Lam's report
By Xinhua

In this Dec 17, 2018 photo, President Xi Jinping meets with Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor (left), chief executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, and Fernando Chui Sai-on (not pictured), chief executive of the Macao SAR, to listen to their briefings on the year's work in Beijing. (XIE HUANCHI / XINHUA)

BEIJING - President Xi Jinping on Wednesday heard a work report delivered via video link by Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor on the HKSAR government's work in 2020, its COVID-19 response and other situations.

The work report hearing was conducted via video link in line with COVID-19 control needs, Xi said, adding that he was "very concerned and worried" as the fourth wave of the epidemic in Hong Kong has posed relatively big threats to citizens' life and health.

The central government has taken and will continue to take all necessary measures to fully support HKSAR in fighting COVID-19, Xi said, calling for firming up confidence and staying united in the anti-epidemic fight.

"The motherland is always Hong Kong's strong backing. Difficulties at hand can surely be overcome," Xi said.

He said Lam and the HKSAR government calmly coped with multiple serious challenges brought by the turbulence over the proposed ordinance amendments, the COVID-19 epidemic and the adverse changes in the external environment over the past year.

The work report hearing was conducted via video link in line with COVID-19 control needs, President Xi Jinping said, adding that he was "very concerned and worried" as the fourth wave of the epidemic in Hong Kong has posed relatively big threats to citizens' life and health

Certain success has been achieved in maintaining order, fighting the virus, addressing people's difficulties and reviving the economy, Xi said.

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"What should be noted is that since the National People's Congress Standing Committee adopted the national security law in the HKSAR, you have led the HKSAR government in resolutely enforcing it, stopping violence and chaos in accordance with the law and working to bring Hong Kong back on track," Xi said.

"On major issues such as national security, you have taken a firm stand and assumed responsibilities, demonstrating your love of and deep sense of responsibility to the motherland and Hong Kong," Xi told Lam.

"The central authorities fully acknowledge your performance and the performance of the HKSAR government in fulfilling duties," Xi said.

Hong Kong's transition from chaos to stability has once again demonstrated that the principle of "patriots governing Hong Kong" must be always upheld to ensure the steady and sustained implementation of "one country, two systems," he said.

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It is the fundamental principle that concerns national sovereignty, security and development interests, as well as Hong Kong's prosperity and stability in the long run, Xi added.

Xi said that Hong Kong can only maintain its long-term stability and security by ensuring "patriots governing Hong Kong."

He also sent his regards to the officials of the HKSAR government who were unreasonably sanctioned by the United States.

Premier Li Keqiang also heard Lam’s work report and noted that 2020 was a challenging year for Hong Kong.

"The central authorities fully acknowledge your performance and the performance of the HKSAR government in fulfilling duties," Li said.

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Li expressed his hope that the HKSAR government will continue its work on pandemic prevention and control, and address people's most pressing concerns, among others.

Lam expressed gratitude to the state leaders for fully acknowledging the work of the HKSAR government in the past year, and for the central government's care and support for Hong Kong on pandemic prevention, economic development and improvement of people's livelihoods. 

She said that Hong Kong experienced a challenging year during which the city's economy was hit hard by the pandemic although the city essentially functioned normally with its financial system remaining stable. 

Lam said that the top priority of the HKSAR government is to curb the pandemic to protect people's health and revive economic activity.

Lam reported to the state leaders that since the implementation of the National Security Law on June 30 last year, street violence has significantly subsided and calm has been restored in society, and that the HKSAR government will fully implement the law to prevent acts that endanger national security.

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Thanking Xi for his warm regards to her and other HKSAR government officials who have been sanctioned by the US government unreasonably, Lam, on behalf of the affected government officials, reiterated that they will continue to discharge their duty to safeguard national security without fear.

Lam also reported on the series of measures involving the central government's support as set out in her 2020 Policy Address. 

She said that in the opening year of the country's 14th Five-Year Plan, she will lead her team to leverage the unique advantages of Hong Kong to better integrate it into the overall development of the nation through its participation in the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

Senior leaders, including Vice Premier Han Zheng, attended the event.