Published: 09:58, November 15, 2020 | Updated: 11:23, June 5, 2023
China leads world 5G growth with 700,000 base stations
By Xinhua

In this undated file photo, a China Mobile employee displays a 5G-enabled drone during an exhibition in Nantong, Jiangsu province. (XU CONGJUN / CHINA DAILY)

BEIJING - China has built nearly 700,000 5G base stations, more than twice the total installation in the rest of the world, official data showed.

The number of terminal devices connected to the network has exceeded 180 million, as well-developed infrastructure facilitates more 5G-based applications, said Liu Liehong, vice minister of industry and information technology.

The number of terminal devices connected to the network has exceeded 180 million, said Liu Liehong, vice minister of industry and information technology

In the next three years, the country is expected to be at the introduction stage of 5G development, so it is necessary to make proactive moves in construction.

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5G is playing an important role, especially in stabilizing investment, promoting consumption and fostering new drivers of economic development.

China's 5G network development has achieved good results. During the first 10 months, 5G mobile phone shipments reached 124 million units with a total of 183 new models coming to market.

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