Published: 12:02, August 6, 2020 | Updated: 20:43, June 5, 2023
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Washington urged to halt intervention, provocation
By Cao Desheng

Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi speaks during an interview with Xinhua on China-US ties in Beijing, capital of China, Aug 5, 2020. (ZHAI JIANLAN / XINHUA)

State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi called on Wednesday for equal and constructive dialogue between China and the United States to ease the growing tensions between them, saying the bilateral ties should not be dominated by differences, miscalculation and confrontation.

In an interview with Xinhua News Agency, Wang said China, as a responsible major country, stands ready to develop candid and effective communication with the US in a calm and rational manner.

Beijing is ready to restart dialogue with the US at different levels and areas on any topic, Wang Yi said, urging Washington to abandon its arrogance and prejudice and come back to the right track of non-conflict, non-confrontation, mutual respect and win-win cooperation

Beijing is ready to restart dialogue with the US at different levels and areas on any topic, Wang said, urging Washington to abandon its arrogance and prejudice and come back to the right track of non-conflict, non-confrontation, mutual respect and win-win cooperation.

ALSO READ: Envoy: Future of China-US ties rests on dialogue, cooperation

Amid "the most complicated situation" in bilateral ties since the two countries established diplomatic ties in 1979, Wang said China and the US should identify their bottom lines and avoid confrontations.

Beijing has no intention to, and will not, interfere with the elections and internal affairs of the US, and Washington should also give up its illusions of reshaping China, stop gross interference with China's domestic affairs and halt suppression of China's legitimate rights and interests, he said.

Wang reiterated that China resolutely opposes the "new Cold War" advocated by some US political forces, saying it thoroughly goes against the fundamental interests of the two peoples and also runs counter to the trend of the world's development and progress.

Calling the move an attempt to revive the "ghost of McCarthyism", Wang said it aims to break connections between the two countries, incite people-to-people hatred, damage mutual trust, pull the two countries into conflicts and confrontation and push the world into turbulence and division.

Today's China is not the Soviet Union and it has no intention to become another United States, he said, adding that the country will firmly stick to the path of peaceful development, firmly pursue the opening-up strategy of mutual benefit and win-win cooperation, and remain committed to acting as a champion of world peace, contributor to global development and upholder of international order.

Wang rejected US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's assertions that US engagement with China has been a dismal failure.

Pompeo's remarks are based on a "Cold War" mentality and totally negate achievements from interactions between China and the US over decades, he said, describing the "spreading of the political virus" as a result of ignorance of history and a lack of respect for the two peoples.

READ MORE: Why Pompeo leads Washington's China-bashing campaign

Wang stressed that the two countries should resort to cooperation instead of decoupling in developing their relations, saying both countries have benefited from their cooperation

China-US ties have become one of the bilateral relationships marked by close integration, broad cooperation and shared interests thanks to generations of concerted efforts from both sides, Wang said. Denial of these facts cannot be allowed, he added.

The differences in social systems will not and should not affect the two countries continuing to coexist peacefully and develop win-win cooperation now, Wang said, noting it's neither necessary nor possible for them to transform each other.

He said China's tremendous achievements have demonstrated that the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics not only suits its national conditions but also benefits the world.

China will continue to meet the aspirations of its people and make new and greater contributions to human development and progress, Wang said, adding any forces who attempt to hinder or change the process will find themselves in difficulties.

He also stressed that the two countries should resort to cooperation instead of decoupling in developing their relations, saying both countries have benefited from their cooperation.

READ MORE: China urges US to stop damaging bilateral relations

Wang asked that if China-US cooperation was unfair, how could it have integrated so much, developed in such broad fields and lasted for decades? He called for reforms to solve problems arising from globalization and free trade instead of shifting blame or turning to "decoupling".

He stressed that with the world economy affected by COVID-19, the world's two largest economies should develop their relationship by upholding equality and mutually beneficial cooperation and shouldering their responsibilities.

The diplomat also blamed Washington for its "troublemaking" in the South China Sea, saying the US attempts to sow discord between China and members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations to cater to its domestic politics and its geopolitical strategy.

Wang also warned that US interference in Hong Kong affairs is intended to damage the "one country, two systems" principle and will be firmly opposed by all Chinese, including Hong Kong compatriots.