Published: 17:22, May 29, 2020 | Updated: 01:34, June 6, 2023
Top legislator stresses resolutely opposing 'Taiwan independence'
By Zhang Yi

Li Zhanshu (3rd left, back), chairman of the 13th National People's Congress Standing Committee, delivers a speech at a symposium marking the 15th anniversary of the implementation of the Anti-Secession Law at the Great Hall of the People, in Beijing, China, on May 29, 2020. (PHOTO / XINHUA)

The chairman of the National People's Congress Standing Committee on Friday emphasized full recognition of the importance of the Anti-Secession Law, and called for strongly opposing "Taiwan independence" and firmly progressing toward China's reunification.

Li Zhanshu, also a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, made the remarks while addressing a symposium at the Great Hall of the People to mark the 15th anniversary of the implementation of the Anti-Secession Law.

For some time, separatist forces advocating "Taiwan independence" have misjudged the situation and continued their provocation, Li said

He called the law an important part of the systems and institutions meant to uphold the "one country, two systems" and promote China's peaceful reunification. Li said the law is an important rule backing efforts to fulfil the political responsibility and mission of opposing "Taiwan independence" and promoting reunification.

Since its implementation 15 years ago, the Anti-Secession Law has provided a solid legal guarantee for safeguarding peace and stability across the Taiwan Straits and promoting cross-Straits ties, Li added.

For some time, separatist forces advocating "Taiwan independence" have misjudged the situation and continued their provocation, Li said.

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They have seriously endangered the vital interests of compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits and the fundamental interests of the Chinese nation, seriously undermined cross-Straits peace and stability, and seriously challenged the bottom line for protecting China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, he said, stressing determined steps to contain and combat such acts.

"The historical and legal fact that Taiwan is part of China can never be changed, no matter how they and foreign forces collude and present their show," Li said. "'Taiwan independence' is a path to nowhere," he added.

The senior leader urged people on both sides to join hands to oppose "Taiwan independence" and pursue China's reunification.

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Always caring about the interests and wellbeing of Taiwan compatriots, the CPC and the state are working to create conditions for cross-Straits exchanges and cooperation, Li said.

Rejecting foreign interference, Li said resolving the Taiwan question and achieving national reunification are part of China's internal affairs.

"The concept of 'peaceful reunification and one country, two systems' is the best approach to realizing national reunification," Li stressed, adding that sticking to the one-China principle is the foundation for achieving China's peaceful reunification.

"We are willing to create vast space for peaceful reunification, but we will definitely not leave any room for separatist activities aimed at 'Taiwan independence' in any form," he said.