Published: 17:11, December 6, 2023 | Updated: 09:37, December 7, 2023
Wang urges sound, sustained development of China-US ties
By Xinhua

China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi meets with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken at the State Department on Oct 26, 2023. (ZHAO HUANXIN / CHINA DAILY)

BEIJING - Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Wednesday called for the sound, steady and sustained development of China-US relations during a phone conversation with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken at the latter's request.

Blinken thanked Wang for visiting the US Embassy in China to mourn former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.

Wang said the current important task of the two sides is to continue the positive effects of the San Francisco summit, deliver on the consensus reached by the two heads of state, and consolidate the momentum of stability in China-US relations

Wang, also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, said Kissinger has always advocated that China and the United States, two major countries, should respect each other, progress together and fulfill their due international responsibilities.

ALSO READ: Wang mourns Kissinger, hails his contribution to China-US ties

Kissinger has repeatedly stressed that the United States should fully understand the importance of the Taiwan question to China, Wang said, adding that the diplomatic legacy left by him is worth being carried forward and developed by future generations.

President Xi Jinping and President Joe Biden had a successful meeting in San Francisco and came up with a future-oriented "San Francisco vision," which is of milestone significance, Wang said.

He said the current important task of the two sides is to continue the positive effects of the San Francisco summit, deliver on the consensus reached by the two heads of state, and consolidate the momentum of stability in China-US relations.

This is in the common interests of China and the United States, and also the common responsibility of the two major countries, Wang said.

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Wang once again stressed China's solemn position on the Taiwan question, urging the United States not to interfere in China's internal affairs, not to support and connive with any forces of "Taiwan independence."