Published: 11:59, December 2, 2023 | Updated: 09:53, December 3, 2023
China ready to work with all parties to build a clean world
By Xinhua

Chinese President Xi Jinping's Special Representative Ding Xuexiang addresses the World Climate Action Summit in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates, Dec 1, 2023. (PHOTO / XINHUA)

DUBAI – As a major responsible developing country, China stands ready to work with all parties to build a clean and beautiful world, Chinese Vice-Premier Ding Xuexiang said on Friday.

Ding, Chinese President Xi Jinping's Special Representative and a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, made the remarks when addressing the World Climate Action Summit in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Conveyed Xi's good wishes for the UAE to host the summit, he said that eight years ago, Xi worked with leaders of other countries to reach the Paris Agreement with the utmost political determination and wisdom, and embarked on a new journey of global cooperation to address climate change.

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China has always kept its promise and made important contributions to global climate governance, he said, adding that China has vigorously promoted international cooperation on green development, energy revolution and climate change, and supported developing countries in enhancing their capacity to cope with climate change.

All parties should strengthen their determination and capacity to jointly address the challenges of climate change, said Ding

Mankind shares a common destiny in the face of the challenges of climate change, he said, adding that all parties should strengthen their determination and capacity to jointly address it.

The vice-premier in this regard proposed practicing multilateralism, adhering to the goals and principles set out in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement, enhancing solidarity and cooperation, and achieving mutual benefit and win-win results.

He also stressed the need to accelerate green transformation, actively increase the proportion of renewable energy, promote the clean, low-carbon, and efficient use of traditional energy, and accelerate the formation of green and low-carbon production methods and lifestyles.

Ding also proposed strengthening action implementation and fully honoring the existing commitments. In particular, developed countries should effectively increase financial, technological and capacity-building support to developing countries to turn vision into reality, he added.

Fair climate governance system

The vice-premier pledged to promote the establishment of a fair, reasonable, cooperative and win-win global climate governance system.

During a meeting with UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres at the ongoing World Climate Action Summit, he said China is an important participant, contributor, and leader in global climate governance and has made historic contributions to advancing global climate governance.

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China is willing to work with the international community, including the United Nations, to fully respect the important status of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Paris Agreement, resolutely safeguard the basic principles, goals and institutional framework established by the UNFCCC system, especially the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and the basic system of nationally determined contributions, and promote the establishment of a fair, reasonable, cooperative and win-win global climate governance system, he said.

Guterres said the UN positively evaluates China's efforts and important contributions to promoting peak carbon dioxide emissions and carbon neutrality and is willing to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with China to jointly address the challenges of climate change.