Published: 09:55, December 1, 2023 | Updated: 18:18, December 1, 2023
Commissioner's office: Meddling in HK affairs doomed to fail
By Xinhua

This Nov 17, 2016 photo shows the Commissioner's Office of the Chinese Foreign Ministry in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region at Central. (PARKER ZHENG / CHINA DAILY)

HONG KONG - The Commissioner's Office of the Chinese Foreign Ministry in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) on Thursday strongly condemned and firmly rejected the United States House Foreign Affairs Committee for passing the so-called Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office Certification Act proposed by some anti-China lawmakers.

A spokesperson for the office said that the act called for the cancellation of privileges and exemptions of the Economic and Trade Offices (ETOs) in the United States and even closing the ETOs, which is an intervention in Hong Kong affairs and China's internal affairs. The office urged the US side to immediately pull back from the brink and stop advancing the act.

READ MORE: Govt slams US House committee for law targeting HK ETOs

The spokesperson said that with the full support of the central government and the joint efforts of all sectors of Hong Kong society, Hong Kong is moving steadily on the right track of "one country, two systems." Hong Kong's position as a global financial, shipping and trading center has been consolidated, and its high degree of freedom and openness as well as a world-class business climate further elevated, and it has a clear cutting-edge on the rule of law.

The spokesperson said a few US politicians have deliberately concocted ill-intended acts and laws involving Hong Kong and politicized economic and trade issues, which is doomed to be in vain and will damage the United States' own interests

The spokesperson said that with the Hong Kong National Security Law and the new electoral system, all the lawful rights and freedoms enjoyed by Hong Kong residents are protected. International investors have a more safe, stable and predictable business environment, which is a fact that all fair-minded people acknowledge.

ALSO READ: Commissioner's office, HKSAR govt slam US panel report

The spokesman pointed out that the ETOs are overseas economic and trade institutions established by China's HKSAR government, and their successful operation is conducive to expanding practical economic and trade cooperation between Hong Kong and relevant countries and regions.

The spokesperson said that the US business community remained optimistic about Hong Kong's development prospects and valued Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area's development opportunities. However, a few US politicians have deliberately concocted ill-intended acts and laws involving Hong Kong and politicized economic and trade issues, which is doomed to be in vain and will damage the United States' own interests.

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The United States concocted acts and laws involving Hong Kong to harm Hong Kong and interfere in China's internal affairs. China will not sit idly by and will resolutely defend its rights and interests, the spokesperson said.

The office urged the US side to take concrete actions to return to the right path of promoting mutual trust and cooperation between China and the United States and give up the wishful thinking of "using Hong Kong to contain China." Otherwise, it will only shoot itself in the foot.