Published: 13:59, November 30, 2023 | Updated: 17:02, November 30, 2023
Russia's spacecraft sinks in Pacific Ocean after ISS mission
By Xinhua

This NASA image shows the SpaceX Dragon cargo craft, loaded with over 7,700 pounds of science, supplies, and cargo, approaches the International Space Station for a docking 264 miles above the Atlantic ocean in between South America and Africa on March 16, 2023. (PHOTO / AFP)

MOSCOW — Having been working with the International Space Station (ISS) for more than six months, Russia's Progress MS-23 cargo spacecraft completed its mission and sunk in the Pacific Ocean on Wednesday.

"Today, the Progress MS-23 cargo spacecraft, which worked on the International Space Station for more than half a year, was deorbited, entered the atmosphere and disintegrated," ROSCOSMOS, the state space corporation of Russia, was quoted by TASS news agency as saying.

The cargo spacecraft was part of the ISS since May 24 of this year. It delivered almost 2.5 tons of cargo to the station

READ MORE: Russia launches Progress MS-21 cargo spacecraft to ISS

The spacecraft undocked from ISS at 10:55 am Moscow time (0755 GMT) on Wednesday. After that, it switched to autonomous flight.

The cargo spacecraft was part of the ISS since May 24 of this year. It delivered almost 2.5 tons of cargo to the station, including the universal workstation URM-D, which the cosmonauts installed outside the Zvezda module during the extravehicular activity on Aug 9.

READ MORE: Russia launches Soyuz MS-23 spacecraft into orbit

The next cargo spacecraft, Progress MS-25, will take the place of Progress MS-23. It is scheduled to launch from the Baikonur cosmodrome on Dec 1 and dock with the ISS on Dec 3.