Published: 09:40, June 8, 2023 | Updated: 13:09, June 8, 2023
Chinese foreign ministry: US knows bullying, intimidation best
By Xinhua

Wang Wenbin, spokesman of China Ministry of Foreign Affairs, speaks at a press briefing in Beijing, China, Jan 16, 2023. Wang on June 7, 2023 said the United States understands bullying and intimidation better than any other country in the world. (PHOTO / FOREIGN MINISTRY, CHINA)

BEIJING – A Chinese foreign ministry spokesman on Wednesday said the United States understands bullying and intimidation better than any other country in the world, and there is no room for China to concede or back down when it comes to safeguarding its sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Spokesman Wang Wenbin made the remarks at a daily press briefing in response to accusations from relevant US officials about the recent practices of China's military vessels in the Taiwan Strait.

Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said that facing US military provocations, China has responded in accordance with laws and regulations

Wang said that it has been reported that last year alone, large US reconnaissance aircraft conducted over 800 close-in flights to spy on China. Last year, the US also sent aircraft carrier strike groups to the South China Sea and nearby areas multiple times.

"Brandishing its military prowess, the US is willfully flexing its muscles and infringing upon the sovereignty of other countries. This is bullying and intimidation at its best. This is the source of maritime and air security risks and dangers to regional peace and stability," Wang said.

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He said that facing US military provocations, China has responded in accordance with laws and regulations. These actions are completely justified and lawful, and have nothing to do with "bullying."

When it comes to safeguarding China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, there is no room for China to concede or back down, Wang said. This is absolutely not a case of "bullying" or "intimidation." This is about China standing up for its principles and its red line, he added.