Published: 15:27, April 30, 2023 | Updated: 15:39, April 30, 2023
Uzbeks vote on proposed constitutional amendments
By Agencies

In this photo taken on January 27, 2023 Uzbek President Shavkat Mirziyoyev attends a meeting with his Kyrgyz counterpart at the Ala-Archa state residence in Bishkek.  (PHOTO / AFP)

TASHKENT - Uzbekistan votes on constitutional amendments on Sunday that promise its citizens greater social protections in exchange for resetting President Shavkat Mirziyoyev's term count to zero.

Mirziyoyev, 65, has been praised at home and abroad as a liberal reformer for abandoning the previous leadership's policies.

The package of amendments abolishes the death penalty and establishes greater personal legal protection, for instance to a person's rights when they are detained by police, and the concept of habeas corpus, or protection against unlawful and indefinite imprisonment

Although the current and the proposed new version of the constitution limit successive presidential terms to two, officials have said that if the revised constitution is adopted, Mirziyoyev's term count would be reset to zero. The reform also extends the presidential term to seven years from five.

At the same time, the package of amendments proclaims Uzbekistan a "social state" with increased welfare obligations and allows non-farming land ownership.

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It also abolishes the death penalty and establishes greater personal legal protection, for instance to a person's rights when they are detained by police, and the concept of habeas corpus, or protection against unlawful and indefinite imprisonment.

"Our lives have been improving, and under this president it will continue, I hope," said 62-year-old voter Nazira who declined to give her last name. "I don’t mind and approve (presidential) terms being extended. I thank the president for what he is doing for us."

Some Uzbek commentators have called for more democratic principles to be included in the bill, and in stronger wording, but the general idea of reform - and extending presidential powers in particular - has met no opposition.

"What I see is that the new changes will boost our rights and the openness (of the state)," said another voter, Abdurashid Kadirov, 65.

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Patriotic music was played at many polling stations on Sunday, some decorated with flowers and some handing out baseball caps and T-shirts with the referendum logo to first-time voters.

The referendum will be declared valid if over a half of Uzbekistan's 19.7 million voters participate. Preliminary vote results are expected on Monday.