Published: 16:05, December 16, 2022 | Updated: 11:46, December 17, 2022
Andrew Leung: LegCo robust in monitoring government
By Xi Tianqi

This undated file photo shows the building of the Legislative Council of the HKSAR in Hong Kong. 

Andrew Leung Kwan-yuen, president of the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, said on Friday that the legislature, elected under the revamped electoral system, remains robust in its oversight of the government to ensure good governance. 

Leung made the remarks while wrapping up the LegCo’s work for the legislative year, ending its sessions on Wednesday to reconvene on Jan 11 next year. 

He said the new LegCo members have made considerable efforts to monitor the government, stressing that the council provides oversight for good governance.

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The LegCo held 33 general assembly meetings totaling 264 hours this year, showing that it is back on track to effectively pass bills and motions, Leung said.

Andrew Leung Kwan-yuen said the incumbent legislature is made up of enterprising people from different social strata and from different backgrounds, making the legislature widely representative and creating a harmonious environment which is conducive to its role as “spokesperson of public opinion”

The government introduced 25 bills and the LegCo passed 17 of them, including bills relating to combating the pandemic, a bill on cancelling the MPF offsetting mechanism, and the Copyright (Amendment) Bill, he added.

Over the past legislative year, the LegCo held five chief executive questions and answers sessions and five ante chamber exchange sessions since the new administration took office in July. 

During the exchange sessions, introduced by Chief Executive John Lee Ka-chiu, lawmakers brought forward many proposals to improve the SAR's economy and on the relaxation of COVID restrictions. Many of these proposals were accepted by the government. 

READ MORE: Talks at LegCo 'a step forward in executive-legislative ties'

Noting that the exchange sessions have achieved “remarkable results”, Leung said he is hopeful that they will further enhance the bonds between lawmakers and officials. 

Leung said the incumbent legislature, which has been expanded from 70 to 90 lawmakers, is made up of enterprising people from different social strata and from different backgrounds. This makes the legislature widely representative and creates a harmonious environment conducive to its role as a “spokesperson of public opinion”. 

Leung added that the council no longer encounters obstructions and will continue to provide oversight in constructive ways. 

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“The LegCo will not go down without a fight on any of the government’s bills,” he said. 

Under the revamped electoral system, a total of 90 lawmakers were returned as members of the seventh-term legislature on Dec 19, 2021. Among them, 20 came from geographic constituencies, 30 from functional constituencies and 40 from the Election Committee sector. They began their five-year term on Jan 1, 2022.